Peripheral (outside that the main nervous system) nerves space tubes that space special in their capacity to transmit electrical impulses along their length and also into or away from the main nervous system. Nerves have dedicated receptors for different inputs choose hot, cold, sharp and vibration. Smaller sized nerves are grouped into larger rope-like teams that travel up and also down the body.

You are watching: Where nerves serving the upper limbs arise.

Peripheral (outside the the main nervous system) nerves space tubes that room special in their capacity to transmit electric impulses follow me their length and into or far from the central nervous system. Nerves have specialized receptors for various inputs choose hot, cold, sharp and also vibration.Smaller nerves room grouped into larger rope-like groups that take trip up and down the body.

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Peripheral Nerves

Ulnar nerve

The ulnar nerve is created from the C8 and T1 nerve roots. The C8 and also T1 root are component of the brachial plexus the travels indigenous the cervical spine, under the clavicle, with the armpit (axilla), and down the inside of the eight to the inner elbow.When girlfriend hit her “funny bone” and get numbness and tingling in your fingers and also a sharp electrical pain, you room actually hitting your ulnar nerve as it crosses the inner (medial) part of the elbow joint. The ulnar nerve is really close to the skin in ~ the elbow, so the is basic to bump.The ulnar nerve can also be compressed when it crosses the elbow and cause numbness and tingling in the little and ring fingers and weakness that the hand. This is called cubital tunnel syndrome. Cubital tunnel syndrome is a really common difficulty cared for by hand surgeons.The ulnar nerve then travels on the within of the forearm. It powers the forearm muscles that bend the tips of the tiny and ring finger (the flexor digitorum profundus) and likewise one that the muscles that bends the wrist (the flexor carpi ulnaris). The main activity of the ulnar nerve is in the hand. The nerve strength almost every one of the small muscles in the hand including the hypothenar muscles, the lumbricals to the ring and tiny finger, the palmar and dorsal interossei muscles, the adductor pollicus, and also the deep head that the flexor pollicus brevis. The ulnar nerve gives sensation come the little finger side of the palm, the tiny finger, and the next of the ring finger alongside the tiny finger. It additionally provides sensation to the ago of the small finger next of the hand.The ulnar nerve have the right to be hurt by a cut anywhere follow me its course. A cut to the ulnar nerve in the forearm have the right to lead the clawing of the small and ring finger that the hand and weakness of most of the hand muscles. Additionally, together an injury can an outcome in ns of emotion to the little and ring fingers. Learn an ext about nerve injuries.

Radial nerve

The radial nerve is developed from the C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1 nerve root of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a team of nerves the branches native the cervical spine (neck). The brachial plexus travels under the clavicle and through the armpit (axilla). In the upper arm the radial nerve wraps around the earlier side of the humerus bone. The nerve gives role to the triceps muscles on the back of the arm to straighten the elbow. Due to the fact that the radial nerve wraps approximately the humerus bone, it can be extended or torn as soon as the humerus bone is broken.The nerve then travels top top the external of the elbow (the lateral side) and also into the exterior of the forearm. In the forearm the nerve powers every the muscles that straighten the wrist and fingers. Radial nerve injury can lead to wrist drop – the inability to straighten the wrist.The radial nerve additionally provides emotion to the ignorance side the the ago of the hand.

Median nerve

The average nerve is created from the C5, C6, C7, C8 and also T1 nerve root of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a group of nerves the branches indigenous the cervical spine (neck). The brachial plexus travel under the clavicle and through the armpit (axilla). The mean nerve travels along the within of the arm near the brachial artery. The median nerve walk not administer any function until ~ it crosses the elbow. In the forearm, the median nerve supplies almost all the flexor muscles and all the pronator muscles of the forearm through nerves. Its role allows the wrist and also fingers to bend. It likewise pronates the forearm (rotating the hand to face palm down). The exemption is the the ulnar nerve, not the mean nerve, bends the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digitorum profundus muscle to the tiny and ring fingers.The average nerve is most likely the most well known nerve of the brachial plexus since it deserve to be compressed together it the cross the wrist and also cause carpal tunnel syndrome. In the hand, the average nerve gives the thenar eminence -- the muscle at the basic of the thumb -- with nerves. It also supplies nerves to the lumbrical muscle to the index and also middle fingers. The average nerve gives sensation to the ignorance side of the palm, the thumb, index, center and half of the ring finger.

Musculocutaneous nerve

The musculocutaneous nerve is developed from the C5, C6, and C7 nerve roots of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a team of nerves that branches native the neck (cervical spine). The brachial plexus travel under the clavicle and also through the armpit (axilla).The musculocutaneous nerve travels along the former of the humerus and provides function to the Coracobrachialis, biceps, and brachialis muscles. The coracobrachialis bends and also adducts (moves the arm towards the body) the shoulder. The biceps bends the elbow and supinates the forearm (rotating the palm to face up), and also the brachialis muscle bends the elbow.The musculocutaneous nerve additionally provides sensation to the lateral (outside) forearm.

Axillary nerve

The axillary nerve is created from the C5 and also C6 nerve root of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a group of nerves the branches from the neck (cervical spine). The brachial plexus travel under the clavicle. In ~ this allude the axillary nerve travels behind the humerus bone to it is provided muscles about the shoulder.The axillary nerve provides role to three muscles: the deltoid, the teres minor, and the long head that the triceps muscle. The deltoid is the big fan-shaped muscle over the shoulder that permits you come lift your arm. The teres minor is one of the rotator cuff muscles that allows you to turn your eight out (externally rotate). The triceps straightens the elbow. Many of the triceps is provided nerves by the radial nerve; however, one component is provided by the axillary nerve.The axillary nerve also provides emotion to the next of the shoulder, sometimes called the "regimental badge" area due to the area that badges were placed on uniforms.The axillary nerve deserve to be injured during shoulder dislocations, from improper usage of crutches, or with fractures of the neck the the humerus.

Brachial plexus

The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that control the muscle of the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand. These same nerves also carry out sensations (feeling) the the totality upper limb. There space five contents of the brachial plexus: roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and also branches.


The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that regulate the muscle of the shoulder, arm, forearm and hand. These same nerves also provide sensation (feeling) of the whole upper limb.The brachial plexus nerves start as “roots” turn off of the spinal cord. The brachial plexus roots come out of the spinal column between the vertebrae. The roots room labeled C5, C6, C7, C8 for the cervical vertebrae and also T1 for the an initial thoracic vertebra.Brachial plexus injuries range from mild stretch injuries that resolve naturally to finish root tears that an outcome in an arm that does not feel and also does no function. Brachial plexus injuries can be resulted in by motorcycle or car crashes when the neck and also the shoulder are moved in various directions. Babies can also sustain brachial plexus injuries during childbirth.Some information around each of the roots:

C5 is the nerve "root" the exits the spinal cord above the fifth vertebra in the neck. The travels right into the brachial plexus and also eventually i do not care the nerves that feed muscles approximately the shoulder and also chest. It additionally provides emotion to parts of the upper arm.C6 is the nerve "root" that exits the spinal cord above the sixth vertebra in the neck. The travels right into the brachial plexus and also eventually i do not care the nerves the feed muscles that bend the elbow and straighten the wrist. It additionally provides sensation to parts of the ignorance side that the forearm and hand.C7 is the nerve "root" that exits the spinal cord above the saturday vertebra in the neck. The travels into the brachial plexus and also eventually becomes the nerves that feed muscles the straighten the elbow, bend the wrist, and also straighten the fingers. It additionally provides sensation roughly the middle finger in the hand.C8 is the nerve "root" the exits the spinal cord listed below the saturday vertebra in the neck. It travels into the brachial plexus and eventually becomes the nerves the feed muscles in the hand and muscles that bend the fingers. It likewise provides emotion on the little finger next of the hand and forearm.T1 is the shortest nerve "root" that becomes part of the brachial plexus. It exit the spinal cord below the very first vertebra in the thoracic spine. It eventually becomes the nerves the feed muscle in the hand. It likewise provides sensation approximately the within of the elbow and upper arm.


The 2nd level of the brachial plexus is composed of 3 "trunks." The superior, middle, and inferior trunks are formed from the 5 main "roots" coming from the spinal cord. As the three trunks continue toward the shoulder, they every divide right into two nerves called an "anterior division" and a "posterior division."


The third level that the brachial plexus is called "divisions." There space six divisions that come indigenous the three "trunks" – 3 anterior divisions and also three posterior divisions. The divisions then reorganize to create three brand-new nerves, called "cords."


The nerves in the fourth level the the brachial plexus are called "cords" and also come from the "divisions" in level three. The three cords are named lateral, posterior, and medial based on their position in partnership to the brachial artery. Plenty of important nerves come native the cords. Several of these nerves create motion around the shoulder. Others travel on to come to be the 5 main "branches" the the brachial plexus.

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The fifth and final level that the brachial plexus room the five nerves that feed the shoulder and also arm referred to as "branches." These 5 branches are named the musculocutaneous, axillary, radial, median, and ulnar nerves.