The heart"s electric system

In the easiest of terms, the heart is a pump comprised of muscle tissue.The heart"s pump actionis managed byan electrical conduction mechanism that collaborates the contraction of the heart chambers.

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How go the heart beat?

An electric stimulus is produced in a special component of the love muscle referred to as thesinus node. It"s also called the sinoatrial node (SA node). The sinus node is a tiny mass of unique tissue in the best upper room of the heart (right atrium). In an adult, the sinus node sends out out a continual electrical pulse 60 to 100 times per minute. This electrical pulse travel down with the conduction pathways and causes the heart"s lower chambers (ventricles) come contract and also pump the end blood. The right and also left atria are stimulated first and contract to push blood indigenous the atria into the ventricles. The ventricles then contract to push blood out right into the blood ship of the body.

The original electric impulse travel from the sinus node across the cells of her heart"s right and left atria. The signal travels to the AV node (atrioventricular node). This node is located between the atria and also the ventricles. In the AV node, the impulses space slowed under for a an extremely short period. This allows the atria to contract a portion of a second before the ventricles. The blood from the atria empties into the ventricles before the ventricles contract. After ~ passing v the AV node, the electrical existing then proceeds down the conduction pathway, through a pathway calledthe bundle the His, andinto the ventricles. The bundle the His divides into right and also left pathways (bundle branches) come give electric stimulation totheright and leftventricles.

Normally in ~ rest, the heart contracts about 60 to 100 times a minute depending upon your age. In general, your heart price slows as you age.

What can go wrong through the heart"s electrical system?

Under some abnormal conditions,certain heart tissue is capable of beginning a heartbeat, or coming to be the "pacemaker," as with the sinus node. An abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) may take place when:

The heart"s herbal pacemaker (the sinus node) i do not care diseased and also slows down

The typical conduction pathway is interrupted

Another component of the heart takes over together pacemaker. This reasons a faster or slow heartbeat.

Symptoms of one arrhythmia can incorporate a emotion that her heart is fluttering (heart palpitations), shortness the breath, dizziness, or fainting.

Your doctor may do one ECG (electrocardiogram) to assess the rhythm of the heart. This painless test requires recording the electrical activity of your heart with several little stickers enclosed to her chest.

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If the electrical rhythm is abnormal, you may need medication or a procedure.