The carbon bike is a facility cyclical procedure through which all of the carbon atom in existence rotate. The exact same carbon atomsthat exist in her body today have actually been used in plenty of other molecules due to the fact that time started - in a tree, in a plant and even in a dinosaur.

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Step 1: production of fossil fuels

Under the right problems carbon-based fossil fuels, coal, oil and also gas space formed. These are mined indigenous the ground.

Step 2: Fossil fuel releasing carbon

Carbon is released into the atmospherewhen fossil fuels space burned.

Step 3: Decomposers

More carbon is released into the atmosphere by respiration that decomposers.

Step 4: Respiration

And finally carbon is released into the atmosphere by respiration of living organisms.

Step 5: Photosynthesis
Photosynthetic microbes and green plants take it in carbon throughout photosynthesis and produce glucose (a sugar).Step 6: Decomposition

Dead organisms and waste assets decay happen the carbon right into the ground.

Overtime (millions of years) and under the right problems some decomposed continues to be will be turned into fossil fuel such as coal and gas.

Algae and also bacteria called cyanobacteria are comparable to green plants due to the fact that they can all make their very own food through a process called photosynthesis.


Chlorophyll, the substance that renders algae and plants green, uses the energy from sunlight. In algae and plants the is had in a structure dubbed the chloroplast; cyanobacteria bring out photosynthesis directly in the cytoplasm of the cell. The microbe uses this power to adjust carbon dioxide gas indigenous the air and the water about them into a sugar called glucose. The sugar is either transported to various other cells and also used as food or stored together insoluble starch. This procedure is dubbed photosynthesis. The gas oxygen is released as a waste product. This is very important as animals including humans need oxygen to live. In fact 70 – 80 % of all the oxygen us breathe originates from algae.

The chemical reaction for photosynthesis:

Carbon, i beg your pardon is represented by the letter C in the equation, is being moved from the carbon in the carbon dioxide come the carbon in the glucose. This reaction forms component of the carbon cycle.

Aerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration takes place in the presence of oxygen and occurs in opposing direction to the photosynthesis reaction. Aerobic respiration is the relax of power from glucose, i m sorry takes location inside the mitochondria of living cells.

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The chemical reaction for aerobic respiration:

This reaction forms component of the carbon cycle.