When you work-related in SEO and also spend a most time spring at find queries ~ above Google you often tend to stumble upon some funny things that people search for.

You are watching: What is a group of snails called

It occurred to me yesterday, when Google imply churned out: “my servant disappeared”. Turns out, the term is pertained to disappearing butlers in The Sims 3.

Out that context, words and also phrases can be weird. And also our love because that the English language here recently took me and also our graphics designer under the road of collective nouns.

We thought we’d develop this funny perform for you and bring them come life v illustrations … for no genuine reason other than to do you laugh at the finish of a tough week.

Did you know the collective noun for butlers is a ‘sneer of butlers’? Harsh.

See if you favor them and also share your an individual favourites in the comment (if ours designer gets the time, she might just create a brand-new illustration for you)

A cycle of Bees


Collective Noun for Bees isa cycle of Bees

It’s funny to imagine a swarm the bees paris in bike formation, but the actual reason this is a collective noun for bees is since the native “bike” is an old English indigenous which method a colony, nest, or swarm.

Source: www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/collective/h/

A family members of Sardines


Collective Noun for Sardines is a family of Sardines

We love this one because it calls come mind images of a nuclear household of small fish. We’re not sure of the beginning of this cumulative noun (though us think it might be regarded the tin-can they finish up in!).

Source: http://www.dw.com/en/what-do-you-call-a-group-of-sardines/a-18250945

A Glaring the Cats


One that the cumulative Nouns for cats is a Glaring that Cats

The definition of glaring is “having a fixed look that hostility, fierceness, or anger”, i beg your pardon accurately defines how mine cat looks at me nice much all of the time. We deserve to see why this cumulative noun was chosen for cats!

Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/glaring

A Rhumba of Rattlesnakes


Collective Noun because that Rattlesnakes is a Rhumba of Rattlesnakes

If you’ve ever seen two male rattlesnakes fighting in vain for prominence of a female, you’ll know why a “rhumba” has actually been provided as the collective noun for this poisonous reptile. There’s a most slow, intentional weaving adhered to by quick, sharp activities that carefully resemble the slow-quick-quick pattern of the American Rhumba dance.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhumba

GIF: https://j.gifs.com/kR2W16.gif

A mess of Iguanas


To understand why a group of iguanas is referred to as a “mess”, you simply need to look. In the wild, iguanas lie linked in big groups and it have the right to be an overwhelming to check out where one iguana ends and another begins. The reason for this is the iguanas are cold-blooded therefore they control their body temperature through basking in the sun.

An military of Caterpillars


This collective noun likely defines the behaviours showed by caterpillars when they take trip in large groups. What’s great about these armies of caterpillars is that they’re extremely well organised. They take part in participating foraging for food, team defence versus predators, shelter building & thermoregulation.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_caterpillars

A swarm of Rumours


A colony of rumours is the only collective noun ~ above this list that’s not pertained to animals. Us love this one due to the fact that it evokes the image of a hidey-hole where scandalous info is being amassed – without doubt for later use.

Source: http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/collnoun.htm

A corridor of Elks


Yes, a team of elk is referred to as a gang. Yes, the elk in the image over are delivering guns and also sporting bandanas. Teams of elk may have been labelled as gangs due to the fact that elk bulls execute something called ‘bugling’ – loud screaming which have the right to be heard because that miles and also miles. What a bunch of thugs!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elk#Behavior

A Huddle the Walruses


A team of walruses can likewise be called a ‘herd’ or a ‘pod’, but we favor ‘huddle’ best. Walruses are many often discovered sunbathing on soil or sea ice with thousands of their companions. Walruses are really sociable creatures and also even amass in your thousands in mating season. What’s also interesting is the these huddles are often segregated by sex –males have their very own huddles and females have their very own huddles.

Source: http://www.livescience.com/27442-walrus-facts.html

A Bed of Clams


A group of clams is known collectively as a ‘bed’ the clams. This cumulative noun conjured up photo of numerous clams cosily sleeping side-by-side. ‘A bed of’ can additionally be supplied to explain a group of snakes, oysters or flowers.

Source: http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/collnoun.htm

A shiver of Sharks


One of ours favourite collective nouns ~ above the list is the name for a team of sharks – a ‘shiver’. We think it might be suggestive the what happens to a person who stumbles across a team of sharks while the end swimming. Or it might relate come the fact that most sharks room cold-blooded.

Source: http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/collnoun.htm

A Crash of Rhinoceroses


One the the best and most well-known of all cumulative nouns is a ‘crash’ of rhinoceroses. Rhinos gather on the afri grassy plains in teams of approximately twelve. However, the cumulative noun was many likely influenced by the rhino’s propensity to fee at anything unfamiliar, return fights between rhinos room rare because male rhinos (or bulls) tend to avoid each other unless they are competing for the same female.

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Source: http://www.africa-wildlife-detective.com/black-rhino.html

A Horde that Hamsters


What makes this collective noun therefore hilarious is that it conjures up photos of an army or tribe of primitive warriors. We’d be far an ext likely come relate a ‘horde’ of something v a team of zombies, goblins or orcs – not a team of small, fluffy rodents!

Source: http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/collnoun.htm

A Kindle the Kittens


The cumulative noun because that a team of kittens is known as a kindle. That relates come the verb to kindle which way ‘to give birth to young’. However we assumed it would certainly be fun anyway to visualise a team of kittens climbing the end of an e-reader.