Factors of 26 are numbers that, as soon as multiplied in pairs give the product as 26. Tright here are in its entirety 4 components of 26 among which 26 is the biggest factor and also its positive factors are 1, 2, 13 and also 26. The amount of all components of 26 is 42 and its components in Pairs are (1, 26) and also (2, 13).

You are watching: What are the factors of 26

Factors of 26: 1, 2, 13 and 26Negative Factors of 26: -1, -2, -13 and also -26Prime Factors of 26: 2, 13Prime Factorization of 26: 2 × 13 = 2 × 13Sum of Factors of 26: 42
1.What Are the Factors of 26?
2.How to Calculate Factors of 26?
3.Prime Factorization of 26
4.Factors of 26 in pairs
5.FAQs on Factors of 26
6.Challenging Questions

What are the Factors of 26?

Factors of 26 are the numbers which once multiplied together result in 26. The number 26 is not a prime number. Being a compowebsite number, 26 has even more than two determinants. 


Explore components utilizing illustrations and also interenergetic examples

How to Calculate the Factors of 26?

We deserve to calculate the factors of a number in 2 methods, either by division method or by prime factorization. Let"s start calculating the determinants of 26 by the department strategy, starting through the totality number 1. 

26 ÷ 1 = 26 and remainder is 0.26 ÷ 2 = 13 and remainder is 0.26 ÷ 13 = 2 and also remainder is 0.26 ÷ 26 = 1 and remainder is 0.

Thus we uncover 26 is not divisible by any kind of various other number. We have obtained factors 1, 2, 13, 26.

Factors of 26 by Prime Factorization

Prime factorization indicates to express a composite number as the product of its prime determinants. 

To gain the prime factorization of 26, we divide it by its smallest prime aspect which is 2. 26 ÷ 2 = 13.Since 13 is a prime number, it is divisible by 13 only.

This procedure goes on till we get the quotient as 1. There are no better prime factors of 26. 


The prime factorization of 26 = 2 × 13.

Factors of 26 in Pairs

The pair of numbers which offers 26 when multiplied is known as variable pairs of 26. The following are the factors of 26 in pairs.


Hence we have (1,26) ; (2,13) (-1,-26) and (-2,-13) as factors of 26 in pairs.

Important Notes

26 has even more than 2 components and also thus it is a compowebsite number.26 is a non-perfect square number. Therefore, it has an even variety of determinants. This residential property holds true for eextremely non-perfect square number.Factors are never before fractions or decimals.

Challenging Questions

Using the prime factorization approach, prove that 13 is a prime number.

Factors of 26 Solved Examples

Example 1: Ms. Silvia has actually a course of 26 students. She desires to divide her course right into teams and offer them math practice. In just how many kind of means, she deserve to group 26 students so that:

A group cannot have 1 or all students of the class.Each team has actually an equal variety of students.


We already learned that the factors of 26 are 1, 2, and 13

But the teams cannot have actually one or all students. So we ignore 1 and also 26

Thus, she can just group them in 1 method through 13 students in each team. And she deserve to make 2 teams.

Example 2: Jack requirements to ship 26 spiral notepads and 39 usual notepads. He can fill just one kind of notepad in each box. Also, he should load the exact same number of notepads in each box. What is the variety of notepads Jack can fill in each box?


We are already acquainted via the ways of finding components.

The determinants of 26 are 1, 2, and 13

The components of 39 are 1, 3, and 13

The components that are prevalent to both 13 and also 26 are 1 and also 13

As such, Jack deserve to pack either 1 or 13 notepads in a box.

Example 3: Find the product of all the prime determinants of 26.


Due to the fact that, the prime determinants of 26 are 2, 13. Because of this, the product of prime components = 2 × 13 = 26.

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FAQs on Factors of 26

What are the Factors of 26?

The factors of 26 are 1, 2, 13, 26 and its negative determinants are -1, -2, -13, -26.

What is the Greatest Typical Factor of 26 and 13?

The determinants of 26 and also 13 are 1, 2, 13, 26 and 1, 13 respectively.Typical factors of 26 and 13 are <1, 13>.Hence, the GCF of 26 and 13 is 13.

What are the Pair Factors of 26?

The pair components of 26 are (1, 26), (2, 13).

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How Many Factors of 26 are also prevalent to the Factors of 18?

Since, the factors of 26 are 1, 2, 13, 26 and the components of 18 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18.Hence, <1, 2> are the prevalent components of 26 and also 18.

What is the Sum of the Factors of 26?

Factors of 26 are 1, 2, 13, 26 and also, the amount of all these determinants is 1 + 2 + 13 + 26 = 42