The procedure by i beg your pardon atoms are arranged to type a product with a crystal structure is described as

You are watching: Vein minerals were once dissolved in fluid.

How fast or slow-moving the magma cools. Magma that cools gradually forms large crystlas. Magma that cools quickly forms small crystals.
when water from a hot water solution starts to cool, the elements and compunds leave the solution and also crystalize together minerals
SameForm v crystalizationDifferentMagma mineral - form from melted materialsSolution minerals - type from dissolved materials
Naturally arising inorganic heavy that has a crystal structure and a definite chemistry composition
How room ore deposits gotten rid of by tower mining and also by piece mining similar to the ore deposits eliminated in open pit mining?>
Open pit mining start on the surface and so does piece mining. Open pit mining goes underground and do does tower mining



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