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You are watching: Type the number 0.000354 in scientific notation.



1. make the number a brand-new number between 1 and also 10


Move the decimal suggest to do 0.000354 a brand-new number in between 1 and 10. Since our initial number is much less than one, we relocate the decimal allude to the right. Drop any type of zeroes in front of the number. Store track that how numerous times we move the decimal point.

0.000354 -> 3.54

Our brand-new number is 3.54. We moved the decimal allude 4 times.

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2. specify the strength of 10


Because our original number was much less than one, the exponent specifying the power of 10 is negative. Remember, we relocated the decimal allude 4 times, so the exponent is negative 4

3. last result


Scientific notation, or traditional form, provides things less complicated when working with very small or very huge numbers, both of which come up commonly in the areas of science and engineering. The is used in science, for example, to convey the mass of the heavenly bodies: Jupiter’s massive is kg, which is simpler to recognize than composing the number 1,898 complied with by 24 zeroes. Scientific notation also makes solving troubles that usage such high or short numbers an ext straightforward.