The U.S. Room of Housing and Urban Development​ (HUD) supplies the average to report the typical price the a house in the joined States. Why execute you think HUD supplies the​ median?
HUD supplies the median due to the fact that the data space skewed to the​ right, and the typical is much better for it was crooked data.

You are watching: The standard deviation is a resistant measure of spread.

The mean is no resistant because when data are​ skewed, over there are excessive values in the​ tail, which have tendency to pull the mean in the direction of the tail. The typical is resistant since the median of a change is the worth that lies in the center of the data as soon as arranged in ascending order and also does not depend on the extreme values the the data.
False.The setting of a change is the most constant observation the the variable the occurs in the data set. To compute the​ mode, tally the variety of observations that happen for each data value. The data worth that wake up most often is the mode. A set of data have the right to have no​ mode, one​ mode, or an ext than one mode. If no observation occurs much more than​ once, the data have no mode.
All that the monitorings are the exact same value.If all observations have actually the same​ value, then that value will also be the mean of the data.​ Therefore, the sum of the squared differences from the median will be​ 0, and the typical deviation will certainly be 0.
False. Because extreme values will increase the typical deviation​ greatly, the typical deviation cannot be a resistant measure of spread.
False.There is no means that the calculation of the populace or sample standard deviation can produce a an adverse number. This makes intuitive sense due to the fact that the typical deviation measures the spread out of the data from the mean.
T/F: when comparing two​ populations, the larger the standard​ deviation, the more dispersion the distribution​ has, provided that the change of interest from the two populations has actually the very same unit of measure.
​True, because the standard deviation describes how​ far, on​ average, each observation is native the typical value. A bigger standard deviation means that monitorings are more distant from the typical​ value, and​ therefore, an ext dispersed.

See more: What Does 9/8 Central Mean, Never Understood What This Meant

If a variable has a circulation that is​ bell-shaped with typical 22 and also standard deviation 3​, then according come the Empirical​ Rule, 99.7​% that the data will lie in between which​ values?
According to the Empirical​ Rule, if a distribution is​ bell-shaped, then roughly _______ that the data will certainly lie within 1 conventional deviation of the​ mean; about _______ of the data will certainly lie within 2 traditional deviations the the​ mean; around _______ of the data will certainly lie within 3 conventional deviations that the mean.

