You are watching: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe characters

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is filled v rich characters, and also that is an amazing thing considering how short the publication is. I would say that Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy room the 4 main characters. These four kids are brothers and sisters, and the story revolves around...
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The Lion, the Witch, and also the Wardrobe is filled through rich characters, and that is an impressive thing considering how quick the publication is. I would certainly say that Peter, Susan, Edmund, and also Lucy are the 4 main characters. These four kids are brothers and sisters, and the story revolves roughly their adventures and conflicts in the magical land of Narnia. Follow me the way, they satisfy all type of various characters that assist them. However, Aslan stands out as lot more main and pivotal to the story than any other Narnian. Aslan is a lion, and also he is the king the Narnia. In ~ one point in the story, he sacrifices self to the White Witch in order come rescue Edmund indigenous her. The White Witch is the final major character in the story. As soon as the story begins, she is judgment Narnia. She is rather evil, however she convinces Edmund that he should work for her.
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As because that the minor characters, I would certainly say the most necessary are Mr. Tumnus, Mr. Beaver, and Mrs. Beaver. All 3 of these characters have pivotal results on the story. However, their personalities are no as well developed as the significant characters. The gigantic Rumblebuffin is a favorite minor personality of many due come his kind and gentle manners. Maugrim is the White Witch"s head soldier, and she additionally employs a dwarf whose name we never discover to journey her sleigh. Finally, the Professor is a minor character of part importance since he is the owner the the house and wardrobe wherein the children are staying. The is likewise the human that convinces Peter and also Susan the Lucy can not it is in lying.