The International space Station provides 15.65 changes per work in the orbit roughly the earth. Presume a one orbit, just how high is this satellite above the surface of the earth?

Considering that

the frequency of transformation of the international an are spation approximately Earth is

and therefore its orbital period is


Now we can use Kepler's third law to discover the radius that the orbit that the room station, r. Knowning the the planet mass is

Kepler's 3rd law deserve to be written as


where G is the gravitational constant. Re-arranging the formula and also using the value of T we uncovered previously, we uncover the orbit radius:


which corresponds to r=6750 km.

You are watching: The international space station makes 15.65 revolutions per day in its orbit around the earth.

This is the radius of the orbit measured native the facility of Earth. To discover the street of the room station indigenous the Earth's surface, we must subtract the Earth's radius, R=6370 km, and we find:


So, the room station is about 380 km over Earth's surface.

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