Driving ~ above on the Florida Turnpike
This ar of the Florida Driver Handbook covers Speed borders on Florida highways, the Florida Turnpike, Interstates, and other roads.
You are watching: The florida speed limit for rural interstate highways, unless noted otherwise, is generally
Topics contained in this section of the Florida Driver Handbook include:
Florida speed Limits
Speed causes many crashes. An ext drivers space convicted of speeding than any kind of other offense. To protect against being fined or affiliated in a crash, obey the rate limits.
Speed is really important in a collision. If you double the speed of a car, you rise its pressure of influence four times. If you triple the speed, the influence is nine times together great.
70 does Not always Mean 70
Remember that speed limits show the fastest rate you might drive under good conditions. You room responsible because that adjusting your driving speed to the road conditions. For example, if the weather is negative or over there is a most traffic, you must drive more slowly than the post speed. The safe rate is the one that permits you come have finish control of her vehicle.
Florida "Standard" speed Limits
Municipal Speed areas . . . 30Business or Residential Area . . . 30Rural federal government . . . 70*Limited access Highways . . . 70All other Roads and Highways . . . 55*School area . . . 20*The 55 MPH maximum rate limit is still in effect in Florida other than where otherwise posted. *Speed borders are 70 MPH on some rural interstate highways. Speed borders may be adjusted on other multi-lane highways and also in locations where the problems require reduced speeds. Chauffeurs should no assume because the area appears to it is in a details urban, municipality, organization or highway area that the rate is the conventional or expected rate zone. Observe and obey the post speed signs as there might be frequent alters from area come area along the selected roadways or highways.
Driving Too slowly is also against the Law
Drive with the circulation of website traffic (within the rate limit). You have to not drive so gradually that friend block other vehicles moving at normal, safe speeds. You deserve to be authorize a ticket for driving too slowly. When the posted rate limit is 70 mph, the minimum rate limit is 50 mph.
Following Officer"s and also Fireman"s Instructions
If you room stopped by a law enforcement officer, pull off immediately to the excessive right, clean of traffic as soon as possible. Rotate off your engine. Reduce your headlights to the parking light place at night. Sit calmly and follow the instructions of the officer. You should follow any type of lawful order or direction of (1) any type of law enforcement officer or (2) any fireman in ~ the scene of a fire that is directing traffic. If a legislation enforcement officer is directing web traffic where there space signal lights, obey the officer — not the signals.
Crossing Intersections
More crashes happen at intersections than any type of other place. Be really careful once approaching any type of intersection or driveway.
Look both ways and be prepared to brake or stop.Drive at the slowest rate just prior to entering the intersection, not while crossing.Do no pass or adjust lanes.Be conscious of vehicles behind you. Will certainly they be able to stop if necessary?If you space stopped, look for bicyclists and also pedestrians who may be crossing the intersection from either direction.
Stay a safe distance behind the vehicle you desire to pass. The closer you gain to the vehicle you desire to pass, the much less you have the right to see ahead. This is especially true as soon as passing trucks, trailers, and also other huge vehicles. Before you pull out to pass, examine your remote spots and make sure that you have plenty that time and room to pass.

On a two-lane road, tap her horn, or in ~ night blink her headlights to let the other driver recognize you are passing.

Being Passed
The driver the the car being passed must not rise speed until the happen is complete.Help other chauffeurs pass you safely. Relocate to the ideal side of her lane to give them more room and a far better view that the roadway ahead.When You might Not Pass
You may not happen on a two-lane roadway with traffic moving in opposite directions under these conditions:

Violators might be arrested or approve a ticket.
Minimum Safe complying with Distances
Leave lot of of room between you and the auto ahead. If it stop quickly, friend will require time to view the danger and stop.
Using the Two-Second Rule
At any speed, you have the right to use the two-second rule to view if you room far sufficient behind the auto in former of you:
Watch the vehicle ahead pass some fixed allude — an overpass, sign, fence corner, or various other marker.Count turn off the seconds it takes friend to with the same spot in the roadway ("one thousand and also one, one thousand and also two...").If you with the mark before you finish counting, you are adhering to too closely. Slow down and check your following distance again.The two-second rule applies to any type of speed in an excellent weather and also road conditions. If road or weather conditions are no good, double your following distance. You must also dual your following distance when driving a motor residence or towing a trailer.
Following street For Trucks
A van or any type of vehicle towing one more vehicle may not follow within 300 feet of one more truck or car towing a vehicle. This regulation does not use to overtaking and passing, and it walk not use within cities or towns.
Expressway Driving
Expressways — additionally called interstate highways, freeways, and turnpikes are multiple-lane roadways with no avoid signs, web traffic lights, or rail crossings. Because that these reasons, expressways can provide you a fast, safe method to acquire where you have to go.
Pedestrians, hitchhikers, bicycles, animal-drawn vehicles or motor-driven cycles and motor scooters through 150 cubic centimeter displacement or less are not permitted on expressways.
Entering and Leaving Expressways
Vehicles can enter and also leave expressways just at specific points. Due to the fact that expressway web traffic is usually moving at or close to the maximum rate allowed, you must know exactly how to enter and exit safely.
All expressway gateways have three basic parts: an enntrance gate ramp, an acceleration lane, and also a merging area. Follow these guidelines to get in an expressway safely:
On the entrance ramp, start checking for an opened in traffic. Signal for her turn.As the ramp straightens right into the acceleration lane, rate up. Shot to change your speed so the you can move right into the traffic when you with the finish of the acceleration lane.Merge right into traffic as soon as you can do therefore safely. You should yield the right-of-way to traffic on the expressway. Girlfriend cannot always count top top other vehicle drivers moving over to give you room to enter, but do not stop on an acceleration lane unless web traffic is as well heavy and also there is no space for girlfriend to get in safely.When leaving an expressway:
Get right into the leave lane. Posted signs will tell friend which one. Many expressway exits room from the ideal lane.Signal her intention to leave the expressway by utilizing your rotate signal.Slow under as quickly as you are off the expressway. Examine the posted safe rate for the leave ramp.Do not make last-minute turns into an exit. If friend go previous your exit, you have to go come the following one.Expressway security Reminders
Plan her trip. Know simply where girlfriend will gain on and also get off.Drive in the appropriate lane and also pass ~ above the left. If there space three lanes, use the ideal lane for reduced speed driving, the left for passing. If you continue to be in the ideal lane, watch because that cars beginning the expressway. Adjust your rate or move into the center lane so they can get in safely.Never prevent on the pavement, shoulder, or connecting ramp of an expressway other than in one emergency. If your car breaks down, it might be parked on the next of the expressway (completely turn off the pavement) because that no an ext than 6 hours. Raise her hood and tie a white fabric to her antenna or left door take care of to present you require help.Never earlier up on an expressway entrance ramp or exit ramp. The only exemption to this would be if you are trying to go into an expressway through an exit. In this case, girlfriend would see a "WRONG WAY" or "DO no ENTER" sign. Then you must earlier up or revolve around.Do not cross, drive on or park on the average strip.Do no follow also closely. Rear end collisions room the greatest danger ~ above expressways. Always leave room for emergency stops.Stop driving as soon as you feeling tired. On lengthy trips the hum of the engine and also your absence of movement deserve to make you feeling sleepy. Stop for a cup the coffee, a quick walk, or a nap. Do not danger falling sleep at the wheel.See more: Wh A Spanking Works Better On A Bare Ass, What Are The Arguments For Why Spanking Works
Night Driving

You will have to drive with extra care at night. You cannot view as far ahead or come the side, and also glare native oncoming cars can reduce her vision also more. Follow this guidelines for driving at night:
Use her headlights (low beam or high beam) in between the hrs of sunset and sunrise.Low beam headlamps room only effective for accelerates to 20-25 MPH. You have to use special care when driving much faster than this speeds, because you are unable come detect pedestrians, bicyclists and also others.High beam headlights have the right to reveal objects approximately a street of at least 450 feet and also are most reliable for speeds much faster than 25 MPH.Don"t use high-beam headlights within 500 feet of oncoming vehicles.If you room behind other vehicles, usage low beams when you room within 300 feet that the vehicle ahead.When leaving a brightly lit place, drive slowly until her eyes readjust to the darkness.If a car comes towards you through high beams, flash your lights come high beam and ago to short beam once.Don"t look straight at oncoming headlights. Instead, clock the ideal edge of her lane. Look conveniently to be certain of the various other vehicle"s place every few seconds.Drive as much to the best as you have the right to if a auto with one light comes towards you.