The value of tan 45 levels is 1. Tan 45 degrees in radians is composed as tan (45° × π/180°), i.e., tan (π/4) or tan (0.785398. . .). In this article, us will talk about the approaches to uncover the worth of tan 45 degrees with examples.

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Tan 45°: 1Tan (-45 degrees): -1Tan 45° in radians: tan (π/4) or tan (0.7853981 . . .)

What is the value of Tan 45 Degrees?

The value of tan 45 degrees is 1. Tan 45 levels can likewise be expressed using the tantamount of the offered angle (45 degrees) in radians (0.78539 . . .)

We know, using degree to radian conversion, θ in radians = θ in degrees × (pi/180°)⇒ 45 degrees = 45° × (π/180°) rad = π/4 or 0.7853 . . .∴ tan 45° = tan(0.7853) = 1



For tan 45 degrees, the edge 45° lies between 0° and also 90° (First Quadrant). Because tangent role is positive in the an initial quadrant, therefore tan 45° value = 1Since the tangent role is a routine function, we can represent tan 45° as, tan 45 levels = tan(45° + n × 180°), n ∈ Z.⇒ tan 45° = tan 225° = tan 405°, and so on.Note: Since, tangent is one odd function, the worth of tan(-45°) = -tan(45°).

Methods to find Value that Tan 45 Degrees

The tangent duty is positive in the first quadrant. The worth of tan 45° is offered as 1. We can discover the worth of tan 45 levels by:

Using Trigonometric FunctionsUsing Unit Circle

Tan 45° in terms of Trigonometric Functions

Using trigonometry formulas, we can represent the tan 45 levels as:

sin(45°)/cos(45°)± sin 45°/√(1 - sin²(45°))± √(1 - cos²(45°))/cos 45°± 1/√(cosec²(45°) - 1)± √(sec²(45°) - 1)1/cot 45°

Note: due to the fact that 45° lies in the first Quadrant, the final value that tan 45° will certainly be positive.

We deserve to use trigonometric identities to represent tan 45° as,

cot(90° - 45°) = cot 45°-cot(90° + 45°) = -cot 135°-tan (180° - 45°) = -tan 135°

Tan 45 degrees Using Unit Circle


To find the worth of tan 45 levels using the unit circle:

Rotate ‘r’ anticlockwise to kind 45° angle through the optimistic x-axis.The tan that 45 degrees equals the y-coordinate(0.7071) separated by x-coordinate(0.7071) the the suggest of intersection (0.7071, 0.7071) that unit circle and r.

Hence the value of tan 45° = y/x = 1

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FAQs top top Tan 45 Degrees

What is Tan 45 Degrees?

Tan 45 levels is the worth of tangent trigonometric duty for one angle same to 45 degrees. The worth of tan 45° is 1.

How to find Tan 45° in terms of other Trigonometric Functions?

Using trigonometry formula, the worth of tan 45° deserve to be given in terms of other trigonometric features as:

sin(45°)/cos(45°)± sin 45°/√(1 - sin²(45°))± √(1 - cos²(45°))/cos 45°± 1/√(cosec²(45°) - 1)± √(sec²(45°) - 1)1/cot 45°

☛ likewise check: trigonometric table

How to uncover the worth of Tan 45 Degrees?

The value of tan 45 degrees can be calculated by building an edge of 45° through the x-axis, and also then recognize the works with of the corresponding point (0.7071, 0.7071) on the unit circle. The value of tan 45° is equal to the y-coordinate(0.7071) divided by the x-coordinate (0.7071). ∴ tan 45° = 1

What is the worth of Tan 45 degrees in regards to Cot 45°?

Since the tangent role is the mutual of the cotangent function, we can write tan 45° together 1/cot(45°). The worth of cot 45° is equal to 1.

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What is the precise Value the tan 45 Degrees?

The exact value of tan 45 degrees is 1.