If cardiac muscle is deprived that its regular blood supply, damages would primarily result from ________.

You are watching: Small muscle masses attached to the chordae tendineae are the

Select the exactly statement about the heart valves.The mitral valve separates the best atrium from the right ventricle.The tricuspid valve divides the left atrium from the left ventricle.Aortic and also pulmonary valves regulate the circulation of blood into the heart. The AV valves are supported through chordae tendineae so the regurgitation that blood into the atria throughout ventricular contraction does not occur.
The AV valves are supported by chordae tendineae so the regurgitation the blood into the atria during ventricular convulsion does not occur.
refers come the short duration during ventricular systole once the ventricles are fully closed chambers
The fact that the left ventricle that the heart is thicker than the right ventricle reveals that it ________.

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The papillary muscle contract after the various other ventricular muscles so the they can take up the slack ~ above the chordae tendineae before the full pressure of ventricular contractions sends blood against the AV valve flaps.
Normal love sounds space caused through which of the adhering to events?excitation that the SA nodeclosure that the heart valvesfriction of blood against the room wallsopening and also closing of the love valves
Which the the adhering to is not component of the conduction mechanism of the heart?AV nodebundle the His exactly AV valveSA node
The tricuspid valve is closeup of the door ________.while the ventricle is in diastolewhen the ventricle is in systolewhile the atrium is contractingby the motion of blood native atrium come ventricle




Loose Leaf version of Hole"s human Anatomy and Physiology12th EditionDavid N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis
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