I want to describe how who is saying something but hidden behind their words they space blaming the human they room talking to. It"s type of choose sarcasm but not fairly as strong. Through sarcasm the definition is obvious and it"s supposed to hurt. Through the case I"m explicate it"s not really around cutting down the various other person and also making yourself feeling smart, much more like blaming them for something that went wrong and also feeling sorry at the same time. The speaker isn"t yes, really trying come hit the listener v the hidden meaning, yet with just a tiny bit of initiative the listener can infer the extra definition in the speaker"s words.

You are watching: Say one thing but mean another

If sarcasm doesn"t describe this, then what does? What indigenous or phrases have the right to be used?

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edited Aug 1 "11 at 15:15

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request Jun 22 "11 at 19:57

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I think "subtext" is what you"re after: in this case, a subtext the blame.

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reply Jun 22 "11 at 20:14

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People often make insinuating, or suggestive remarks.

From The totally free Dictionary:


Provoking progressive doubt or suspicion; suggestive: insinuating remarks.

Artfully contrived to obtain favor or confidence; ingratiating.

It could be claimed at times, depending, that they space engaging in subterfuge.

Again, native The free Dictionary:


A deceptive stratagem or device: "the paltry subterfuge the an anonymous signature" (Robert smith Surtees).

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edited Jun 22 "11 in ~ 20:31
answer Jun 22 "11 in ~ 20:25

provide ThomasGrant thomas
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I think you might be reasoning of (or trying come think of) condescension.

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answer Jun 23 "11 in ~ 0:29

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An example of such a statement:

I am i m really sorry you lost regulate of your car.

While friend are sorry, you space placing full blame ~ above the driver. This is ridiculously common in prayer groups with a lot less subtlety:

Lord, please aid Jason establish he is a jackass.

As such, the gamut operation from cleverly hidden to exceptionally overt. Nearby calls for corresponding terms:

double entendre — a expression with a double definition (usually sexual)doublespeak — flipping the definition or usage of a expression in an effort to disguise the reality (e.g. A boy named Girl)euphemism — softening a expression to minimize its emotional or social impactmisdirection — drawing attention come something v the will of maintaining the emphasis away indigenous a various thingindirectness — "avoiding direct point out or exposition that a subject"

The last one it s okay my personal vote:

He indirectly claimed it was my fault.

With part indirectness, my ceo reminded me ns was late.

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"Welcome back," my mother said — which was an indirect means to chastise me for leaving in the an initial place.