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You are watching: In john steinbeck’s “the turtle,” how does the turtle plant the wild oat seeds?


of the inner, or intercalary chapters, that his standard of American literature, john Steinbeck wrote,

with the rhythms and symbols of city one can get into a reader—open him up and also while he is open up introduce—things on an intellectual level....It is a mental trick if girlfriend wish, but all techniques...

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Of the inner, or intercalary chapters, that his classic of American literature, john Steinbeck wrote,

With the rhythms and also symbols of city one can gain into a reader—open him up and also while the is open introduce—things on an intellectual level....It is a psychological trick if you wish, but all approaches of writing are mental tricks.

Chapter 3 of Steinbeck"s narrative presents a poetic depiction of the tenacious migrants trying to find a much better life in California. The tortoise is determined on his path,

All over the grass at the roadside a land turtle crawled, transforming aside because that nothing, dragging his high domed shell....

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Along the way, his human body picks increase oat seeds, and after the is knocked roughly by the truck, the turtle struggles, however finally civil liberties himself. In the process, he has actually deposited a "wild oat head" top top the earth and also three the the spearhead seeds stick in the ground. Unconsciously, the turtle sows these seeds as his cumbersome shell drags dirt over them. Then, this persevering creature proceeds on his way.

Much prefer the turtle who endures, the Joads and the various other Okies migrate for thousands of miles with countless obstacles in their way. In chapter 20, for instance, the Joads must proceed on together they are turned far by guys who refuse to enable any "Okies in this town." as they journey away, Tom expresses anger in ~ the cruelty of the males of Tulare, yet Ma reassuring him, telling her son that they are a people who will endure and also continue to human being the world:

"You obtained to have actually patience. Why, Tom--us human being will walk on livin" when all them people is unable to do . . . We"re the people that live. They ain"t gonna wipe united state out. Why we"re the people--we walk on."