I know that if we want to convert from base 16 to base 10 we execute as follows (for example):

Given : $15C$ in base $16$

Conversion to basic 10: $12 \times 16^0 + 5 \times 16^1 + 1 \times 16^2 = 348$ in basic $10$

But i am can not to convert $15C.38$(base $16$) to basic $10$.

You are watching: How to convert from base 10 to base 16

Can someone show how ?


After the "radix" allude (the dot), we can just division each integer in location $i$ counting from the left through $16^i$. Therefore $0.36_16 = 3/16+6/16^2$. This generalizes to all bases.


After the point, the goes like $16^-1$, $16^-2$ etc.

Therefore, $(15C.38)_16$ can be convert by doing the following:

$1 \times 16^2 + 5 \times 16^1 + 12 \times 16^0 + 3 \times 16^-1 + 8 \times 16^-2$.

Another technique is, creating every digit as 4-bit binary string and also than convert those come decimal. I.e.

$(0001$ $0101$ $1100$ . $0011$ $1000)_2 = (?)_10$


We have actually $15C_16=348_10$.

The fractional component is $0.38_16$ i beg your pardon is $(3\times 16^-1)+(8\times 16^-2)=0.21875$.

So $15C.38_16=348.21875_10$.


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