We are generally asked by clients and also others in the industry around the number of diagnosis codes allowed on the digital format and the document forms once billing because that services. This is particularly true in risk adjustment wherein all current diagnoses are accumulated for financial forecasting purposes. Some shot to use insurance claim editing to capture these but ultimately a clinical record testimonial by an endure risk mediate coding team is quiet the best an approach to catch all current diagnoses. Provider offices can make mistakes in catching diagnoses that room incorrect or need to not be report while likewise submitting unspecified diagnosis codes once the specificity is documented.

You are watching: How many diagnoses can be reported on the cms 1500

When billing, there space various types of develops that are commonly used by different organizations.

The UB-40 (CMS 1450): is a claim type used through hospitals, education facilities, in-patient, and also other facility providers. A certain facility provider of company may likewise use this form of form. (Note the UB-40 allows for as much as eighteen (18) diagnosis codes.)The HCFA-1500 (CMS 1500): is a clinical claim kind used by individual doctors & practice, nurses, and also professionals including therapists, chiropractors and outpatient clinics. That is not commonly hospital-oriented.ANSI ASC X12N 837P: The American national Standards academy (ANSI) Accredited requirements Committee (ASC) X12N 837P (Professional) version 5010A1 is the current electronic case version. The 837P (professional) is the standard style used by medical care professionals and suppliers to transmit health treatment claims electronically. (It is assumed of as the electronic version of the 1500 paper form.)

The 5010 and CMS-1500 develops were modification to assistance up to 12 diagnosis codes per insurance claim (while keeping the border to four diagnosis password pointers) in an effort to reduce paper and electronic insurance claims from splitting. This change was never intended to increase the variety of diagnosis codes every line item. (note that prior to this change, the 4010 sustained up to eight (8) unique diagnosis codes per claim, and the enlarge CMS-1500 supported four (4). Any codes exceeding those borders would break-up the 837 right into two (2) insurance claims and paper claims right into three (3). Enhancing the full of sustained diagnosis password on the insurance claim format assisted to minimize the lot of claims splitting and this aided alleviate expenses for both payers and practices.

With the implementation that ANSI 5010 electronic format and the modification CMS 1500 (2/12) paper form a couple of years ago, countless organizations have edited their EMR or billing solution to enable up come twelve (12) diagnosis codes per claim as forced in the digital and document formats. Although twelve diagnosis codes are permitted per claim, only four diagnosis password are enabled per heat item (each separation, personal, instance procedure code).

 ONLY four (4) diagnosis codes may associated (pointed) to each procedure.

There are instances where an ext than 4 (> 4) diagnosis codes on a claim is an essential to documenting the full level of a patient’s condition or injuries. If there space 12 locations holders for diagnoses, just a best of 4 (4) is enabled for each single procedure performed. This means there deserve to be up to 8 “floating diagnoses” that are recorded as current diagnoses that the patient, that may be additional diagnoses regarded the dues (but can not to be pointed come them together 4 are already pointing to the procedure), or they might be extr diagnoses pertained to the medical Decision make (MDM) that the visit as existing other comorbidities.

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You deserve to see an example of a CMS 1500 record form below. Note that Box 21 can be populated with 12 diagnosis codes. Box 24E will certainly only allow up to four diagnosis pointers.

CMS released a guide in January 2015 ~ above PQRS Claims-Based Coding and also Reporting principles that have the right to be uncovered here:


The NUCC (National Uniform claim Committee) requirements deserve to be uncovered here:



