Silicon tetrachloride is an inorganic compound that shows up as a colorless liquid v a pungent odor having actually the chemistry formula SiCl4. It have the right to react through water violently and also forms white solid silicon dioxide and also HCl gas. The is soluble in water.

You are watching: Cl-si-cl angle of sicl4

In this article, we will talk about Silicon tetrachloride(SiCl4) lewis structure, molecule geometry, hybridization, polar or nonpolar, etc.

Silicon tetrachloride is corrosive to tissue and also metal. That is used to create high-quality silica for commercial purposes. High purity the silicon tetrachloride supplied in the produce of optical fibers. 

Properties the Silicon tetrachloride

It is dissolve in benzene, toluene, and also water.It shows up as a colorless fuming liquid.It has actually a boiling allude of 57.65 °C and also a melting allude of −68.74 °C.It has a tetrahedral decision structure.The coordination geometry number of SiCl4 is 4.
Name the MoleculeSilicon tetrachloride
Chemical formulaSiCl4
Molecular geometry that SiCl4Tetrahedral
Electron geometry that SiCl4Tetrahedral
Bond angle109.5º
Total Valence electron because that SiCl432

Page Contents show
1 exactly how to draw lewis framework for SiCl4?
2 follow some actions for drawing the lewis dot framework of SiCl4
3 What is the molecule geometry that SiCl4?
4 Hybridization of SiCl4
5 The bond edge of SiCl4
6 Silicon tetrachloride polarity: is SiCl4 polar or nonpolar?
8 an overview

How to draw lewis structure for SiCl4?

SiCl4 lewis’s structure is straightforward and very easy come draw. “Lewis diagram defines the chemistry bonding of atoms within a molecule”. Lewis framework of SiCl4 has 12 lone bag on bordering atoms and zero on the main atom.

There space 4 bonding pairs current in the lewis framework of Silicon tetrachloride. Stop see how to attract this step by step-

Follow some actions for drawing the lewis dot structure of SiCl4

1. Count full valence electron in SiCl4

First of all, find the ease of access of valence electrons for SiCl4, for this, just find the valence electron the silicon and chlorine atoms with the periodic team number.

As silicon belongs come the 14th periodic group and chlorine come the 17th group. Therefore, the valence electron because that silicon is 4 and for chlorine, the is 7.

⇒ Total variety of the valence electron in silicon = 4

⇒ Total variety of the valence electrons in chlorine = 7

∴ Total number of valence electron available for the lewis structure of SiCl4 = 4 + 7(4) = 32 valence electrons  <∴one silicon and also four chlorine>


2. Discover the least electronegative atom and placed it in ~ center

In the lewis diagram, the the very least electronegative atoms constantly take the place of the central position because they are much more prone to share an ext electrons than the high electronegative atom. Together the central atom always bonded with surrounding atoms, so, it has to share an ext electrons.

So, in the case of SiCl4, indigenous silicon and chlorine, silicon(1.8) is much less electronegative 보다 chlorine(3.16), together electronegativity boosts from left come right across a duration in the routine table.

So, put the silicon in the main position and spread all 4 atoms the chlorine roughly it.


3. Connect outer atom to main atom with a solitary bond

In this step, just connect all external atoms(chlorine) come the central atom(silicon) with a solitary bond.


Now counting the valence electrons we have actually used for making the over structure. As we see, in the above structure, there are 4 single bonds offered to affix all chlorine atoms(outer) to the silicon atom(central).

One solitary bond contains two valence electrons, hence, we provided a complete of (4 single bonds × 2) = 8 valence electron from 32 accessible valence electron for illustration the SiCl4 lewis structure.

(32 – 8) = 24 valence electrons

Therefore, we are left v 24 valence electron more.

4. Location remaining valence electrons starting from external atom first

In this step, us start placing our continuing to be valence electrons on external atoms first to finish their octet. So, here, chlorine is the external atom and each chlorine requirements 8 electrons to finish the octet.

So, simply put the remaining valence electron on every chlorine atom it rotates they meet their octet.


SiCl4 lewis structure

As you see in the above structure, we put the 6 valence electron together dots roughly each chlorine atom, and also these chlorine atoms currently sharing the two electrons with the help of a single bond.

Hence, every chlorine atoms completed their octet comfortably together each one has actually 8 electrons because that sharing. Also, our central atom(silicon) also completed its octet together it has actually 4 single bond linked that contains 8 electrons to share.

We had 24 valence electrons left and also in the above structure, we supplied (6 valence electron × 4 chlorine atoms) = 24 valence electrons.

∴ (24 – 24) = 0 valence electrons left

So, we have used all valence electrons(32) that are obtainable for illustration the lewis framework of Silicon tetrachloride.

Now simply we have to calculate the formal charge that the SiCl4 molecule come verify the security of the above structure.

5. Examine the security with the assist of a formal charge concept

The structure with the formal charge close come zero or zero is the best and also stable lewis structure.

To calculate the formal fee on an atom. Usage the formula provided below-

⇒ officially charge = (valence electron – lone pair electrons – 1/2shared pair electrons)

We will calculate the formal charge on the 4th step framework to verify that is stability.

For Silicon atom –

⇒ Valence electron the silicon = 4

⇒ Lone pair electrons on silicon = 0

⇒ mutual pair electrons approximately silicon = 8

F.C. Top top silicon atom = (4 – 0 – 8/2) = 0 

For chlorine atom –

⇒ Valence electron of chlorine = 7

⇒ Lone pair electron on chlorine = 6

⇒ common pair electrons approximately chlorine = 2

F.C. ~ above chlorine atom = (7 – 6 – 2/2) = 0 

∴ each atom (chlorine and silicon) in the SiCl4 lewis structure gets the formal fee zero.


Therefore, the above lewis dot framework of SiCl4 is the best and also most stable due to having a formal charge on each atom zero.

The 4 Si-Cl binding in SiCl4 geometry take it the ar of the constant tetrahedron corner, hence, its shape really looks favor tetrahedral.

According to the VSEPR theory, once a central atom(silicon) is enclosed to four bonded atoms(chlorine) climate an electron pair approximately the main atom repel every other as a an outcome all corners atoms(chlorines) spread out as lot as lock can and takes the ar where the repulsion is minimum and stability is much better.


As you see in the above structure, the electron pairs(B.P. + B.P. and L.P. + B.P.) repulsion occur, and also the neighboring atoms press (adjacent and opposite) atom as lot as they can to maximize distance and take the location where repulsion force in between these room minimum.

So, every these spreaded atoms host the location of regular tetrahedron corner, thus we have the right to say, the molecular geometry that SiCl4 is tetrahedral.

If you can’t visualize the molecular geometry that SiCl4, then theoretically we deserve to use one AXN technique and VSEPR chart to identify its shape.


That’s how the AXN notation adheres to as shown in the over picture.

Now we have to uncover the molecular geometry of SiCl4 by utilizing this method.

AXN notation because that SiCl4 molecule:

A to represent the main atom, so together per the SiCl4 lewis structure, silicon is the main atom. A = SiliconX to represent the external inspection atoms, together we know, silicon is making 4 bonds through chlorine atoms. Therefore, X = 4N represents the lone pair top top the central atom, silicon atom has zero lone pair on it. Hence, N = 0

So, the AXN notation because that the SiCl4 molecule i do not care AX4N0 or AX4.

So, as per the VSEPR chart, if the main atom of a molecule contains 0 lone pairs and also is cornered by four surrounding atoms, then the molecular form of that molecule is tetrahedral in nature.

Hence, the molecular form or geometry for SiCl4 is tetrahedral.


SiCl4 molecular geometry

The electron geometry because that SiCl4 is likewise tetrahedral.


Hybridization the SiCl4

According to hybridization, “two or much more orbitals overlap each other and kind two or more hybrid orbitals which have actually same energy and shape”.

To identify the hybridization of any molecule, we have to first determine the hybridization number or the steric number of the central atom.

Note: Steric number and also hybridization number is the same.

“Steric number is the number of atoms bonded come a central atom the a molecule to add the number that lone pairs attached come the main atom”

∴ Steric number of SiCl4 = (Number of bonded atom attached to silicon + Lone pair top top silicon)

As every the lewis structure of SiCl4, the silicon central atom external inspection to 4 chlorine atoms and also have a zero lone pair top top it.

∴ Steric number of SiCl4 = (4 + 0) = 4

Steric numberHybridization

So, for a steric variety of four, we get the Sp3 hybridization top top the SiCl4 molecule.

The bond angle of SiCl4

“A bond edge is the angle in between two atoms in a molecule”.

The bond angle of SiCl4 is 109.5° as the form of its tetrahedral in nature and also as every the VSEPR theory, a regular tetrahedral molecule holds the bond edge of 109.5º.

So, the bond edge of Cl – Si – Cl = 109.5°.


A polar molecule is asymmetrical consists of lone pair and has some dipole minute whereas non-polar molecule are highly symmetrical save on computer no unshared electrons and also have network dipole moment zero.

So, Is SiCl4 polar or nonpolar? SiCl4 is a nonpolar molecule in nature as its form is extremely symmetrical, also its central atom no contain any type of lone pair, for this reason distortion of form doesn’t happen.

If you watch the molecule geometry the SiCl4, all 4 chlorine atoms are equally spaced around the silicon atom in a tetrahedron corner. Hence, the dipole moment produced along the bond can be conveniently canceled out, leaving this molecule nonpolar in nature with net dipole moment zero.


Dipole minute generated along with the bond(Si-Cl) due to the separation of charge induced top top atoms, this fee is induced since the electronegativity the chlorine is 3.16 and also for silicon, it is 1.90. The difference of the electronegativity in between these atoms high, this makes a Si-Cl polar covalent link in nature.

Although the bonds within a molecule(SiCl4) are polar in nature however the framework of SiCl4 is extremely symmetrical, this causes a uniform charge circulation in the whole molecule.

Hence, canceling dipole in SiCl4 i do not care a lot simple leaving this molecule nonpolar in nature.


Why is the molecule geometry the SiCl4 is exact same as that is electron geometry?

The molecule geometry the SiCl4 is tetrahedral and its electron geometry is likewise tetrahedral since as every VSEPR theory, molecular form considers just bond pairs or atom while electron geometry considers external inspection atoms and lone pairs present on the main atom.

According to the lewis framework of SiCl4, the main atom(silicon) no contain any kind of lone pair on it.

Hence, only external inspection atoms are offered to recognize the geometry that SiCl4.

Therefore, molecule geometry the SiCl4 = Electron geometry of SiCl4 <∴ no lone pair on central atom of SiCl4>

How many lone pair and also bonded pair electron a lewis structure of SiCl4 contains?

The main atom(silicon) is attached come the chlorine atoms v four solitary bonds(bonded pair).

One external inspection pair has two electrons, hence, (4 × 2) = 8 bonded pair electrons existing in the lewis structure of Silicon tetrachloride.

Also, lone pair electron are also called unshared electrons, silicon atoms have actually no lone pair while each chlorine atom includes 3 lone bag on it.

Hence, (4 chlorine atoms × 3 lone bag on each) = 12 lone pairs.

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(12 × 2) = 24 lone pair electrons are current in the lewis framework of SiCl4.