Yesterday (about 24 hrs ago), I gained all 4 wisdom teeth out and have been on liquids since. None of the holes room bleeding, ns feel usually no ache (I am not on pain pills, only motrin), and also I miss solid food. Would certainly it it is in OK because that me come eat fries and a cheeseburger native McDonald's (with no seeds in the bun)? I'm asking since I have read blended replies somewhere else online.
You are watching: Can i eat french fries after wisdom teeth removal

If friend haven't already gone there, I would recommend holding off on this a little longer. The cheeseburger might be okay however fries, specifically if they're yes, really crunchy, would be advertise it and also potentially harmful. Overall, a burger and also fries from McDonald's has a the majority of salt, which could be irritating to the exploit sites. If you get a soda that's a most sugar and also acidity you'd it is in exposing healing organization to. There room a lot of other solid yet soft foods you can acquire to eat while girlfriend heal.
Alright, thanks for the response! What other foodstuffs would you introduce that space soft? I've to be eating applesauce and chicken broth and also other liquids. I'm a large guy (6'3, 250lbs) and also I'm just having trouble gaining to choose 2000 calories.
I wouldn’t recommend the to mine patients, however I go go directly to McDonald’s after having my wisdom this extracted. I was twenty years old and suffered no okay effects. To now I’m amazed it no bite me in the ass.
i just had actually mine pulled critical month. Ns wouldn't. Food walk to obtain into the hole. The blood clot is thickening. Idk around you however I don't want any kind of mcdonald particles in or near my blood clot that is hardening through the really moment.
Take smaller sized bites and chew an initial molars forward and also you will be fine. The fries might be a little bit crunchy yet if you keep them turn off the exploit sites all must be good. If it hurts you'll stop, if that doesn't go for it.
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This is late but when I obtained a tooth pulled out bc the cracked i couldn’t fricking chew because my mouth was so swollen and numb so i bought a McDonald’s burger and also a small fry and also I reduced everything right into tiny pieces and I basically simply softened it between the top of mine mouth and also my tongue till I can swallow it since I was by myself and also had to journey to college n ns was so hungry

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