Synopsis: Average height to weight ratio chart by age for kids and also teenage girls and boys in inches - pounds and also centimeters - kilograms. Every baby, child, and teenager is various in the means they mature and grow during their teenager years. Top top average, girls commence puberty approximately ages 10 to 11 and also end puberty around 15 come 17 year old; boys start puberty approximately age 11 come 12 and also end roughly 16 come 17 years of age.

You are watching: Average weight for a 15 yr old girl

Main Digest

Are you older than 20? try our Adults elevation to weight Chart.Our easy to check out optimum elevation to weight ratio charts, cover child babies come teenage girls and also boys, and will offer you a basic idea of even if it is you room of average weight for your age and also height there is no using complex percentile graphs. Please note the added information shown listed below the table.
Our height to load chart now displays both Metric and also Imperial measurements, i.e. Pounds - Kilograms and Inches - Centimeters. If you should perform weight coversions visit ours Stones, Pounds, Kilograms conversion ChartBabies come Teens elevation to Weight ratio TableAverage height to Weight ratio for GirlsFemale Babies - 0 to 11 MonthsFemale Toddlers - 12 come 23 MonthsFemale children - 2 come 12 YearsTeenage girls - 13 to 20 YearsAverage elevation to Weight ratio for BoysMale Babies - 0 come 11 MonthsMale Toddlers - 12 come 23 MonthsMale youngsters - 2 to 12 YearsMale teenagers - 13 to 20 Years)
0 mth7.3 lb (3.3 kg)19.4" (49.2 cm)
1 mth9.6 lb (4.3 kg)21.2" (53.8 cm)
2 mth11.7 lb (5.3 kg)22.1" (56.1 cm)
3 mth13.3 lb (6.0 kg)23.6" (59.9 cm)
4 mth14.6 lb (6.6 kg)24.5" (62.2 cm)
5 mth15.8 lb (7.1 kg)25.3" (64.2 cm)
6 mth16.6 lb (7.5 kg)25.9" (64.1 cm)
7 mth17.4 lb (7.9 kg)26.5" (67.3 cm)
8 mth18.1 lb (8.2 kg)27.1" (68.8 cm)
9 mth18.8 lb (8.5 kg)27.6" (70.1 cm)
10 mth19.4 lb (8.8 kg)28.2" (71.6 cm)
11 mth19.9 lb (9.0 kg)28.7" (72.8 cm)
12 mth20.4 lb (9.2 kg)29.2" (74.1 cm)
13 mth21.0 lb (9.5 kg)29.6" (75.1 cm)
14 mth21.5 lb (9.7 kg)30.1" (76.4 cm)
15 mth22.0 lb (9.9 kg)30.6" (77.7 cm)
16 mth22.5 lb (10.2 kg)30.9" (78.4 cm)
17 mth23.0 lb (10.4 kg)31.4" (79.7 cm)
18 mth23.4 lb (10.6 kg)31.8" (80.7 cm)
19 mth23.9 lb (10.8 kg)32.2" (81.7 cm)
20 mth24.4 lb (11 kg)32.6" (82.8 cm)
21 mth24.9 lb (11.3 kg)32.9" (83.5 cm)
22 mth25.4 lb (11.5 kg)33.4" (84.8 cm)
23 mth25.9 lb (11.7 kg)33.5" (85.1 cm)
2 yrs26.5 lb (12.0 kg)33.7" (85.5 cm)
3 yrs31.5 lb (14.2 kg)37.0" (94 cm)
4 yrs34.0 lb (15.4 kg)39.5" (100.3 cm)
5 yrs39.5 lb (17.9 kg)42.5" (107.9 cm)
6 yrs44.0 lb (19.9 kg)45.5" (115.5 cm)
7 yrs49.5 lb (22.4 kg)47.7" (121.1 cm)
8 yrs57.0 lb (25.8 kg)50.5" (128.2 cm)
9 yrs62.0 lb (28.1 kg)52.5" (133.3 cm)
10 yrs70.5 lb (31.9 kg)54.5" (138.4 cm)
11 yrs81.5 lb (36.9 kg)56.7" (144 cm)
12 yrs91.5 lb (41.5 kg)59.0" (149.8 cm)
13 yrs101.0 lb (45.8 kg)61.7" (156.7 cm)
14 yrs105.0 lb (47.6 kg)62.5" (158.7 cm)
15 yrs115.0 lb (52.1 kg)62.9" (159.7 cm)
16 yrs118.0 lb (53.5 kg)64.0" (162.5 cm)
17 yrs120.0 lb (54.4 kg)64.0" (162.5 cm)
18 yrs125.0 lb (56.7 kg)64.2" (163 cm)
19 yrs126.0 lb (57.1 kg)64.2" (163 cm)
20 yrs128.0 lb (58.0 kg)64.3" (163.3 cm)
0 mth7.4 lb (3.3 kg)19.6" (49.8 cm)
1 mth9.8 lb (4.4 kg)21.6" (54.8 cm)
2 mth12.3 lb (5.6 kg)23.0" (58.4 cm)
3 mth14.1 lb (6.4 kg)24.2" (61.4 cm)
4 mth15.4 lb (7 kg)25.2" (64 cm)
5 mth16.6 lb (7.5 kg)26.0" (66 cm)
6 mth17.5 lb (7.9 kg)26.6" (67.5 cm)
7 mth18.3 lb (8.3 kg)27.2" (69 cm)
8 mth19.0 lb (8.6 kg)27.8" (70.6 cm)
9 mth19.6 lb (8.9 kg)28.3" (71.8 cm)
10 mth20.1 lb (9.1 kg)28.8" (73.1 cm)
11 mth20.8 lb (9.4 kg)29.3" (74.4 cm)
12 mth21.3 lb (9.6 kg)29.8" (75.7 cm)
13 mth21.8 lb (9.9 kg)30.3" (76.9 cm)
14 mth22.3 lb (10.1 kg)30.7" (77.9 cm)
15 mth22.7 lb (10.3 kg)31.2" (79.2 cm)
16 mth23.2 lb (10.5 kg)31.6" (80.2 cm)
17 mth23.7 lb (10.7 kg)32.0" (81.2 cm)
18 mth24.1 lb (10.9 kg)32.4" (82.2 cm)
19 mth24.6 lb (11.2 kg)32.8" (83.3 cm)
20 mth25.0 lb (11.3 kg)33.1" (84 cm)
21 mth25.5 lb (11.5 kg)33.5" (85 cm)
22 mth25.9 lb (11.7 kg)33.9" (86.1 cm)
23 mth26.3 lb (11.9 kg)34.2" (86.8 cm)
2 yrs27.5 lb (12.5 kg)34.2" (86.8 cm)
3 yrs31.0 lb (14.0 kg)37.5" (95.2 cm)
4 yrs36.0 lb (16.3 kg)40.3" (102.3 cm)
5 yrs40.5 lb (18.4 kg)43.0" (109.2 cm)
6 yrs45.5 lb (20.6 kg)45.5" (115.5 cm)
7 yrs50.5 lb (22.9 kg)48.0" (121.9 cm)
8 yrs56.5 lb (25.6 kg)50.4" (128 cm)
9 yrs63.0 lb (28.6 kg)52.5" (133.3 cm)
10 yrs70.5 lb (32 kg)54.5" (138.4 cm)
11 yrs78.5 lb (35.6 kg)56.5" (143.5 cm)
12 yrs88.0 lb (39.9 kg)58.7" (149.1 cm)
13 yrs100.0 lb (45.3 kg)61.5" (156.2 cm)
14 yrs112.0 lb (50.8 kg)64.5" (163.8 cm)
15 yrs123.5 lb (56.0 kg)67.0" (170.1 cm)
16 yrs134.0 lb (60.8 kg)68.3" (173.4 cm)
17 yrs142.0 lb (64.4 kg)69.0" (175.2 cm)
18 yrs147.5 lb (66.9 kg)69.2" (175.7 cm)
19 yrs152.0 lb (68.9 kg)69.5" (176.5 cm)
20 yrs155.0 lb (70.3 kg)69.7" (177 cm)
*Information and data for above growth charts sourced native The world Health organization (WHO), Gerontology Research center (National academy of health and wellness (NIH), USA), and the U.S. Centers for condition Control and Prevention (CDC).

Additional Information

1 - Height and also weight ratio charts space not truly accurate actions or indicators, particularly for young children and also teenagers. Elevation to load charts because that girls and boys represent only a rough average and also should be used in conjunction with a BMI calculator because that kids.2 - Young children and teenagers often have expansion spurts throughout their growing years. During puberty your body will grow much faster than at any other time in your life. ~ above average, girls commence puberty approximately ages 10 come 11 and also end puberty roughly 15 come 17 year old; boys begin puberty roughly age 11 come 12 and end approximately 16 come 17 years of age. Throughout this duration it is quite feasible to gain and also lose load rapidly, as well as add inches to their heights watch overnight. This is specifically so in countless adolescent girls who regularly experience dramatic changes in weight, bone composition, height, and body fat distribution - especially through their pubescent years.3 - Every baby, child, and also teenager is different in the means they mature and grow throughout their teenager years. Dieting for teens is not recommended as quite regularly you will find they will merely "grow out" of your "baby fat" together they mature right into young adults. Her pediatrician or family members physician is really the best person come consult if you room worried about your childs elevation to weight proportion as a doctor have the right to use a medical growth chart to keep track the your progress as you mature. Height of Men and Women in other Countries

Printable Height/Weight Chart for Girls from infant to Teenage Years

Printable youth height to weight ratio chart because that girls from infant to teens.

Printable Height/Weight graph for guys from baby to Teenage Youth

Printable youth height to weight ratio chart for guys from infant to teens.

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