In this article, we"ll present you specifically how to calculation 3/5 that 20 therefore you can work out the portion of any number quickly and easily! Let"s acquire to the math!

Want to conveniently learn or present students exactly how to convert 3/5 that 20? pat this very quick and also fun video now!

You probably understand that the number over the portion line is called the numerator and the number below it is called the denominator. To work out the portion of any kind of number, we very first need to transform that whole number right into a portion as well.

You are watching: What is 3 5 of 20

Here"s a little tip because that you. Any type of number have the right to be convert to fraction if you usage 1 as the denominator:

So currently that we"ve converted 20 into a fraction, to work out the answer, we placed the portion 3/5 next by side with our new fraction, 20/1 so the we deserve to multiply those two fractions.

That"s right, all you need to do is transform the whole number come a fraction and climate multiply the numerators and also denominators. Let"s take a look:

In this case, our new portion can in reality be streamlined down further. To perform that, we require to uncover the greatest common factor the both numbers.

You can use our comfortable GCF calculator to work this the end yourself if you desire to. We already did that, and the GCF the 60 and 5 is 5.

We deserve to now division both the new numerator and also the denominator through 5 to simplify this fraction down come its shortest terms.

60/5 = 12

5/5 = 1

When we placed that together, we have the right to see the our finish answer is:

The complete and also simplified answer to the question what is 3/5 of 20 is:


Hopefully this tutorial has helped you to understand how to find the fraction of any kind of whole number. You have the right to now go give it a walk with much more numbers to exercise your newfound fraction skills.

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"What is 3/5 of 20?"., Accessed 4 November, 2021.

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What is 3/5 of 20?. Retrieved from