

man Ourensma of Dobson Organ building contractors tests the new organ in ~ the Kimmel center in Philadelphia.

You are watching: An organist controls various sets of pipes by pulling knobs called

Evelyn Taylor

The organ has actually been described, along with the clock, as the most complicated of all mechanically instruments arisen before the commercial Revolution. Mozart called it the king the instruments.

The biggest concert-hall organ in the United states — all 32 lots of the — newly made that is debut in ~ Philadelphia"s Kimmel facility for the Performing Arts.

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"Millions of civilization hear the organ every weekend ... In church, yet how the thing works does remain kind the mysterious," music commentator miles Hoffman says.

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June 5, 20065:36 afternoon ET

mile Hoffman



It to be none other than Mozart who an initial declared the organ the "king that instruments." He to be most likely swayed, together so numerous others have actually been, by the immensity and also nobility of the organ"s sound, and also by the tremendous selection of sound the instrument have the right to produce. Mozart was also certainly aware of the organ"s lengthy history, and also of its leading duty in the advance of such important musical forms as the fantasy, the prelude, the toccata, and also the fugue.

The organ is a hybrid, a combination wind instrument and keyboard instrument. It"s a wind instrument due to the fact that it to produce sound by means of air vibrating in pipes. And also it produces various notes (that is, note of different pitch) by setup the air vibrating in pipe of different lengths: the longer the pipe, the longer the vibrating waiting column and the lower the pitch. The much shorter the pipe, the higher the pitch. The pipe of an body organ sit ~ above a "wind chest." There space various varieties of organs, however they all have some mechanism to pressure air at stable pressure right into the wind chest and from the chest into the bottom of the pipes. Come play the instrument, the organist supplies keyboards and also pedals. The pedals are prefer an extra collection of keys, however played with the feet. (Their function is not in any method related to that of piano pedals.) In reality the keys and also pedals are really just one finish of a device of valves the open and close the pipes in ~ the bottom, allowing forced waiting in or shutting the out.

But what around the "tremendous selection of sounds" an organ deserve to produce? on a piano, the means the player depresses the tricks (the "touch") determines the top quality of the sound. But on an organ, this is no the case: the role of the keys is strict to manage which pipes will be opened. With specific minor exception (and no exception in the instance of organ keyboards that operate electrically), the touch has nothing to carry out with just how the notes will sound.

The "how" is identified by the pipes themselves. Variations in the materials, shape, and functional design of body organ pipes can create effects ranging from ethereal gradations the tone color to drastic differences in volume and also character the sound. The reason the organ provides such a exceptional panoply of sounds is that plenty of different varieties of pipes have the right to be offered -- independently or simultaneously -- come play the same notes.

Most organ pipes room metal, some are wood. They selection from the dimension of a pencil to monster that space thirty-two feet (or also sixty-four feet) long and also a foot and also a fifty percent to two feet in diameter. The tube are arranged in set of similar type and sound quality dubbed "ranks," with most ranks encompassing the entire selection of notes on the keyboard, one pipe every note. (Some ranks cover just the notes played through the pedals.) most organ keyboards expectations sixty-one notes, and a big organ may have actually as numerous as fifty, seventy-five, or one hundreds or an ext separate ranks. The result? numerous pipes.

To provide a streamlined example: if an organ has eighty ranking of pipes and a keyboard span of sixty-one notes, and also if each rank consists the whole keyboard span, that organ will have almost five thousand pipes. Four thousand eight hundreds eighty, to be exact, or 80 × 61, not counting the pedal ranks. Some very huge organs have actually as many as ten thousands pipes, or even twelve thousand.

In fact, everything about the organ needs to be streamlined to comment on at anything less than book length, since the tool is so complicated. Also, although there are certain conventions in organ building and specific general types (based top top the nature of the keyboard/valve systems), over there is no such thing as a traditional organ. The organ builder -- in consultation with the client and after considering such components as the size, acoustics, and also design of the church or concert hall for i m sorry the tool is to plan -- identify the size, shape, pipeline arrangement and also exterior decoration, internal works and mechanisms, kinds of pipes, number of pipes, and also possibilities of combining pipes for each separation, personal, instance organ.

Here space a few important body organ terms:

STOP: A protect against is a collection of pipes. It may consist that one rank of pipes, or the may encompass multiple ranks. If an organist selects a prevent that combine ten ranking of pipes, because that example, climate depressing any vital on the keyboard will open ten pipe (all tuned come the same note) simultaneously. Because the ranks every have various sounds, the stop an organist chooses will recognize the organ"s sound at any given moment. Stops have actually names that reflect either what kinds of pipes they"re composed of or just how they sound. Several of these names room simple, prefer Flute, or Trumpet, but others are a bit an ext esoteric: Nazard, because that example, or Furniture IV, or Contra Salicional, or Tierce, or double Open Diapason.

To complicated matters, stop is also the surname for the knob or other device (mechanical or electric) the controls the circulation of air to the set of tube in a specific stop. A protect against controls a stop, in other words, bringing it "on-line" or acquisition it "off-line" by opening or close up door the air i to the pipes. Stops are arrayed ~ above the organ console, or manage board: mechanical stops are usually knobs, and also electric stops room usually tabs or buttons. Mechanical stops, which room attached to rods and levers, are pulled the end to open stops, and also pushed in come close them. The expression "to pull the end all the stops" originates from organ terminology, and is thought to have been first associated with Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was famous in his time not just as a an excellent organist, but additionally as a good organ tester, and whenever the tried a brand-new organ his exercise was to begin off by playing through all the stop pulled out, the is, v every rank of pipe on-line at once. (Just to it is in clear: if one organ had fifty ranks, then for each keep in mind Bach played on the keyboard fifty pipes would sound simultaneously. If he played ten note at once, 5 hundred pipes would certainly sound.) In this way, that said, he can see what kind of "lungs" an tool had.

REGISTER: it is registered is an additional word because that the complete collection of pipe -- one rank or multiple ranking -- that makes up one stop. That is, register is one more word for stop.

REGISTRATION: The it is registered is the specific set of stops and also stop combinations used to beat a piece, or passage, of music. Registration is also the arts of choosing stops, of learning which kinds of sounds will job-related most efficiently with a particular piece or passage and which combinations of pipes will create those sounds. Prior to the nineteenth century, composers rarely suggested which registrations to use in your compositions. Registration was considered part of the art of the performer, not of the composer, and for the most component was left up to the organist. This attitude changed considerably throughout the course of the nineteenth century, however, and modern composers tend to be rather fastidious about specifying registrations.

MANUAL: manual is an additional word for keyboard, however specifically one played with the hands. (The variety of pedals is referred to as the "pedal keyboard," and also usually covers thirty-two notes.) many organs have at the very least two manuals, however there are regularly as numerous as four, and also sometimes as much as seven. Each manual controls a different "division" of the organ, meaning a various group the stops. Manuals can also be "coupled," however, so that one manual"s regulate is prolonged over other divisions.

BELLOWS: Organs have existed in one kind or an additional for over 2 thousand years. The earliest organs, those the the old Greeks and also Romans, supplied hydraulic push -- developed by water rising and also falling in a closed mechanism of tubes and reservoirs -- to pressure air right into pipes. Later on organs all depended upon bellows for their pressurized wait supply. Some bellows to be operated through hand, some by foot, but either way, the organist himself didn"t run them. Someone rather did, or, in the case of big organs through multiple bellows, a entirety team of human being did. Through the rotate of the twenty century, bellows systems had actually given method to electrical blowers, and also organists were finally totally free to beat their instruments without assistance.

TRACKER ORGAN: An body organ whose keyboard/valve system is mechanical, together opposed come electric. A tracker is a rod, usually of wood, the connects a vital or pedal v the valve the opens and closes a pipe. From about the fourteenth century until the age of electricity, all organs to be tracker organs. Tracker organs fell out of fashion for a number of decades in the wake of the industrial revolution, however they have actually made a solid return, and also are preferred by many modern-day organists and organ builders. Maybe the best reason for your renewed popular is that through "tracker action" there"s a direct (mechanical) connection between how fast the secrets are depressed and also how fast air is enabled into the pipes, which enables the organist somewhat more control the the sound.

ELECTROPNEUMATIC ORGAN: An organ whose keyboard/valve system is activate by a combination of electricity and also air pressure. The keyboard features as a type of electrical switchboard. Depressing a crucial closes an electric circuit, i beg your pardon activates a magnet, i m sorry deflates one air-filled leather pouch, i beg your pardon pulls down a "pallet," or valve, which opens a pipe. Once the vital is released, the circuit opens, the bag reinflates, the pallet go up, and also the pipe is closed.

ELECTRIC ORGAN: In part organs, the keyboard/valve system is strictly electric. The crucial closes a circuit, which activates a magnet, which pulls a valve directly to open a pipe.

ELECTRONIC ORGAN: A key-board instrument the sounds like an organ yet produces sound electronically, there is no pipes.