According come the principle of competitive exclusion, two types cannot proceed to accounting the very same _____.
You are watching: According to the principle of competitive exclusion, two species cannot continue to occupy the same
A.territoryB.rangeC.biomeD.ecological nicheE.environmental habitat
Of the options below, which finest describes the effect predation has on the predator/prey organisms associated in the relationship? impact ... BenefitB.benefit ... BenefitC.harmed ... HarmedD.benefit ... No effectE.benefit ... Harmed
The term offered to explain a harmless organism resembling a harmful one is _____.
A.aposematic colorationB.Müllerian mimicryC.warning colorationD.Batesian mimicryE.cryptic coloration
Cellulose-digesting microbe live in the organs of termites and ruminant mammals. The microorganisms have a home and also food, and also their hosts gain much more nutrition from their meals. This connection is an instance of _____.
In the theory that C. Stellatus (a varieties of barnacle) is competitively excluded native the reduced intertidal zone through B. Balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded around the two species?
A.The fundamental and realized niches of B. Balanoides room different, however the an essential and realized niches of C. Stellatus space identical.B.The fundamental and realized niches that B. Balanoides and C. Stellatus space identical.C.The an essential and realized niches of B. Balanoides and C. Stellatus room different.D.The basic and realized niches of B. Balanoides space identical, however the an essential and realized niches of C. Stellatus room different.
As you study two carefully related predatory insect species, the two-spot and the three-spot avenger beetles, you notification that each varieties seeks food at dawn in areas without the other species. However, wherein their varieties overlap, the two-spot avenger beetle hunts in ~ night and also the three-spot hunts in the morning. As soon as you carry them into the laboratory and isolate the two various species, you uncover that the offspring the both types are uncovered to it is in nocturnal. You have actually discovered an example of _____.
A.Batesian mimicryB.character displacementC.resource partitioningD.mutualism
Which of the following statements is regular with the rule of competitive exclusion?
A.The random circulation of one competing types will have a positive impact on the populace growth that the other competing species.B.Natural an option tends to rise competition between related species.C.Even a slim reproductive advantage will ultimately lead come the removed of the less well adjusted of two competing species.D.Two types with the same fundamental niche will exclude other competing species.
The symbols +, -, and also o space to be offered to present the results of interactions between individuals and groups of people in the instances that follow. The symbol + denotes a optimistic interaction, - denotes a an unfavorable interaction, and o denotes where individuals are not impacted by interacting. The very first symbol refers to the very first organism mentioned.
What interaction exist between a mite on a dog and also the dog?
If two types are near competitors, and also one varieties is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species would be expected to _____.
A.expand its realized nicheB.decline in abundanceC.change its an essential nicheD.become the target of devoted parasites

During a one-year study, researchers found no difference in treehopper populations in any of their control and also experimental groups. What could they measure throughout the second year to gain information about why this can have occurred?
A.Measure the family member abundance that jumping spiders.B.Measure the relative sizes that the treehoppers.C.Measure the loved one sizes of different ant species.D.Measure the number of ant females.
Resource partitioning would certainly be most likely to occur in between _____.
A.sympatric populations of species with similar ecological nichesB.allopatric populaces of types with similar ecological nichesC.sympatric populaces of a flower plant and its committed insect pollinatorD.allopatric populations of the same animal species
Which the the following is an example of cryptic coloration?
A.markings of a viceroy butterfly"s wingsB.brown or gray shade of tree barkC.a "walking stick" insect that resembles a twigD.bands ~ above a coral snake
Which of the adhering to is an example of Batesian mimicry?
A.a fawn with hair coloring that camouflages the in the woodland environmentB.a nonvenomous snake the looks prefer a venomous snakeC.a butterfly the resembles a leafD.a snapping turtle that offers its tongue come mimic a worm, hence attracting fish
Which of the complying with is an example of Müllerian mimicry?
A.a chameleon that transforms its color to look prefer a dead leafB.a day-flying hawkmoth the looks favor a waspC.two varieties of unpalatable butterfly that have actually the same shade patternD.two species of rattlesnakes that both rattle your tails
Which that the adhering to is an example of aposematic coloration? shade of a plantB.the brightly colored fads of poison dart frogsC.eye color in humansD.a katydid whose wings look prefer a dead leaf
In some circumstances, grasses advantage from gift grazed. I beg your pardon of the following terms would ideal describe together a plant-herbivore interaction?
Which of the complying with studies would certainly a neighborhood ecologist undertake come learn about competitive interactions?I) selectivity of nest sites amongst cavity-nesting songbirdsII) the grass types preferred through grazing pronghorn antelope and bisonIII) stomach analysis of brown trout and brook trout in streams whereby they coexist
A.only I and also IIB.only II and also IIIC.I, II, and IIID.only I and also III
In one ecosystem, phytoplankton are _____.
A.tertiary consumersB.detritivoresC.producersD.secondary consumersE.primary consumers
An earthworm that feeds on the stays of plants and also animals is acting together a _____.
A.primary consumerB.producerC.secondary consumerD.detritivoreE.tertiary consumer
When a human being eats a steak, the human being is acting as a _____.
A.tertiary consumerB.secondary consumerC.detritivoreD.primary consumerE.producer
A cow eat grass is an example of a _____.
A.tertiary consumerB.detritivoreC.producerD.secondary consumerE.primary consumer
A human who just ate a hamburger is consumed by a shark while swimming. The shark is acting as a _____.
A.detritivoreB.producerC.tertiary consumerD.secondary consumerE.primary consumer
Keystone varieties are those types _____.
A.whose lack would cause major disruption in a communityB.that live mostly on or under rocks and stonesC.that carry out important foods and medicinesD.with the largest variety of individuals in a communityE.that have actually the many biomass in the community
An organism"s "trophic level" describes _____.
A.its food sourceB.whether the is beforehand or late in eco-friendly successionC.where it livesD.the price at which it uses energyE.the strongness of its vain with other species

What walk the graph in the figure over tell you about the meaning of a keystone species?
A.Adding a keystone types to the ar will make it an ext diverse.B.Removing a keystone varieties from the neighborhood will eventually enable for the intrusion of a new species.C.A keystone species has tiny interaction with other species in an environment.D.Removing a keystone species from the ar drastically reduce diversity.

In the number above, which community has the highest varieties diversity?
A.Community 1B.Community 2C.Community 4D.Community 1 and community 3 have the highest varieties diversity.
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Elephants are not the most dominant varieties in african grasslands, yet they influence ar structure. The grasslands save on computer scattered woody plants, but they are maintained in examine by the uprooting tasks of the elephants. Take away the elephants, and also the grasslands convert to woodlands or come shrublands. The newly cultivation forests assistance fewer species than the previous grasslands. I beg your pardon of the following defines why elephants space the keystone types in this scenario?
A.Grazing pets depend top top the elephants to convert forests to grassland.B.Elephants exhibit a disproportionate influence on the structure of the ar relative to your abundance.C.Elephants help other populations survive by maintaining out numerous of the huge African predators.D.Elephants are the biggest herbivore in this community.
Approximately how countless kilograms (kg) that carnivore (secondary consumer) biomass can be supported by a field plot comprise 1000 kg of plant material?

According to the Shannon Diversity Index, which of the five blocks above, with each comprise thirty-six squares, would show the best diversity?
Imagine five forest communities, each through one hundred individuals distributed among four different tree types (W, X, Y, and Z). Which forest community would be many diverse?
A.40W, 30X, 20Y, 10ZB.25W, 25X, 25Y, 25ZC.50W, 25X, 15Y, 10ZD.70W, 10X, 10Y, 10Z