
A function is a predefined formula the performs calculations using specific values in a specific order. Every spreadsheet programs include usual functions that can be provided for easily finding the sum, average, count, maximum value, and also minimum value for a range of cells. In order come use attributes correctly, you'll require to understand the various parts the a function and how to develop arguments to calculation values and also cell references.

You are watching: A predefined formula is called a

Watch the video below to learn much more about using features in Excel.

The components of a function

In stimulate to work correctly, a duty must be created a certain way, i m sorry is called the syntax. The basic syntax for a function is one equals sign (=), the function name (SUM, for example), and also one or much more arguments. Arguments contain the information you want to calculate. The duty in the example below would add the worths of the cell range A1:A20.


Working v arguments

Arguments can refer to both individual cells and cell arrays and should be enclosed within parentheses. You can encompass one debate or lot of arguments, depending on the syntax required for the function.

For example, the duty =AVERAGE(B1:B9) would calculate the average that the values in the cell selection B1:B9. This duty contains just one argument.


Multiple arguments must it is in separated through a comma. For example, the role =SUM(A1:A3, C1:C2, E2) will add the values of all cells in the three arguments.


Using functions

There space a range of functions. Here are few of the most common functions you'll use:

SUM: This function adds every the values of the cells in the argument.AVERAGE: This duty determines the average the the values contained in the argument. The calculates the amount of the cells and then divides that worth by the number of cells in the argument.COUNT: This role counts the variety of cells v numerical data in the argument. This duty is useful for quickly counting item in a cabinet range.MAX: This function determines the highest cell value included in the argument.MIN: This role determines the lowest cell value consisted of in the argument.To use a function:

In our instance below, we'll use a basic duty to calculation the average price per unit for a perform of newly ordered items utilizing the mean function.

Select the cell that will contain the function. In ours example, we'll select cell C11.

Type the equals sign (=) and also enter the desired function name. In ours example, we'll kind =AVERAGE.


Enter the cell range for the argument inside parentheses. In our example, we'll form (C3:C10). This formula will add the values of cells C3:C10 and also then division that value by the total variety of cells in the selection to determine the average.

Press Enter on her keyboard. The duty will it is in calculated, and also the result will show up in the cell. In our example, the average price every unit of items ordered was $15.93.

Your spreadsheet will not constantly tell you if your duty contains one error, therefore it's approximately you to check all of your functions. To learn just how to execute this, examine out the Double-Check your Formulas lesson.

Working through unfamiliar functions

If you desire to learn exactly how a duty works, you deserve to start typing that duty in a blank cell to see what it does.

See more: What Is The Prey Of A Secondary Consumer : Definition, Examples, Functions

Understanding nested functions

Whenever a formula consists of a function, the duty is generally calculated before any kind of other operators, choose multiplication and division. That's since the formula treats the entire duty as a solitary value—before it have the right to use that worth in the formula, it requirements to operation the function. For example, in the formula below, the SUM function will be calculated before division:

Let's take a look in ~ a more facility example that uses multiple functions:


Here, we have actually two various functions functioning together: the WORKDAY duty and the now function. These are recognized as nested functions, since one function is placed, or nested, in ~ the disagreements of another. As a rule, the nested function is always calculated first, as with parentheses room performed very first in the stimulate of operations. In this example, the TODAY duty will it is in calculated first, because it's nested in ~ the WORKDAY function.

Other usual functions

There room many other functions you have the right to use to easily calculate various things through your data. Learning exactly how to usage other attributes will enable you to solve complicated problems v your spreadsheets, and also we'll be talking much more about them throughout this tutorial. Friend can additionally check out our posts below to learn about specific functions: