A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in i beg your pardon both pairs of the contrary sides are parallel .


A parallelogram additionally has the following properties:

the contrary angles are congruent; opposite sides room congruent; nearby angles are supplementary;

A rectangle is a parallel with 4 right angles, so every rectangles are additionally parallelograms and quadrilaterals. On the various other hand, no all quadrilaterals and parallelograms room rectangles.


A rectangle has all the nature of a parallelogram, add to the following:

The diagonals room congruent.

A rhombus is a parallel with 4 congruent sides. The plural of rhombus is rhombi . (I love that word.)


A rhombus has all the properties of a parallelogram, to add the following:

The diagonals crossing at right angles.

A square deserve to be characterized as a rhombus i m sorry is additionally a rectangle – in other words, a parallel with four congruent sides and also four best angles.


A trapezoid is a square with exactly one pair the parallel sides. (There might be part confusion about this word depending on which nation you"re in. In India and Britain, they to speak trapezium ; in America, trapezium usually means a quadrilateral through no parallel sides.)


an isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid who non-parallel sides are congruent.


A kite is a square with specifically two pairs of adjacent congruent sides. (This meaning excludes rhombi. Part textbooks speak a kite has at least two pairs of surrounding congruent sides, therefore a rhombus is a special situation of a kite.)


A scalene quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon that has no congruent sides. Three examples are presented below.

You are watching: A parallelogram with four congruent sides

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Venn diagram of Quadrilateral classification

The adhering to Venn Diagram mirrors the inclusions and intersections that the various types of quadrilaterals.