Series of 1928 Red Seal five Dollar Bills – Values and also Pricing

Series of 1928 red seal five dollar receipt are very common in circulated grades. They are commonly worth around $7 in circulated condition. V that said, part 1928 five dollar legal tender notes have the right to be worth much more if they are in perfect condition. Perfect condition means brand new, never been folded.

You are watching: 1928 5 dollar bill red seal value

When assessing 1928 red writing five dollar receipt you need to look and also see what collection the invoice is. The series can it is in 1928, 1928A, 1928B, 1928C, 1928D, 1928E, or 1928F. Every red seal fives are equally usual in circulated grades. However, high grade note have different values, as do star notes. If there is a series letter, it will be uncovered as watched on the pictures below:

Keep in mind the 1928 five dollar red seals speak 1928, however they were published for countless years past simply 1928. 1928Fs were published as late as the early on 1950s. Part 1928 five dollar bills have different phrasings. However, every 1928 fives have a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. All bills have actually a red seal on the left hand next of the bill. They additionally have red inked writing provided for the serial numbers.

As with any kind of United States money issue, having actually a sophisticated serial number, having actually a misprint, or being a star note can drastically increase the value. Us have an elaborate serial number and also misprint guides in the key navigation. You can find everything you need to know about 1928 five dollar red seal star note here.

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We space absolutely interested in purchasing any type of 1928 red writing 5 dollar receipt that room uncirculated, have a sophisticated serial number, misprint, or have actually a star symbol in ~ the beginning of the serial number. admin
. We carry out not purchase the usual circulated 1928 red seal fives. For an ext exact pricing click on your specific note below.

1928 continuous Red Seal Five dissension Bill


1928A Red Seal five Dollar Bill


1928B Red Seal 5 Dollar Bill


1928C Red Seal 5 Dollar Bill


1928D Red Seal 5 Dollar Bill


1928E Red Seal 5 Dollar Bill


1928F Red Seal 5 Dollar Bill
