17 Grams to Teaspoons (17g to tsp) General Conversion

Learn how to fast and easily convert 17 Grams to Teaspoons. So, how many teaspoons in 17 grams?

17 Grams (g) is Equal to 3.4 Teaspoons (tsp)

or 17g = 3.4tsp

17 Grams to Teaspoons Conversion Calculator


How to Convert 17g to tsp

It’s easy to convert grams to teaspoons. For the general equation just divide the grams by 5 to convert them to teaspoons.

You are watching: 17 grams equals how many teaspoons

17g to tsp calculation:

Conversion factor 1 g ÷ 5 = .2 tsp

 17 Grams to Teaspoons Conversion Equation

17 g ÷ 5 = 3.4 tsp

Common Grams to Teaspoon Conversions

Grams Teaspoons Grams Teaspoons
1 g0.2 tsp20 g4 tsp
2 g0.4 tsp30 g6 tsp
3 g0.6 tsp40 g8 tsp
4 g0.8 tsp50 g10 tsp
5 g1 tsp60 g12 tsp
6 g1.2 tsp70 g14 tsp
7 g1.4 tsp80 g16 tsp
8 g1.6 tsp90 g18 tsp
9 g1.8 tsp100 g20 tsp
10 g2 tsp1000 g200 tsp


Ingredient Gram to Teaspoon Conversions


Not all gram to teaspoon conversions are the same, and depend on the specific ingredients density. This conversion is not always clear, because a gram is a unit of weight, whereas a teaspoon is a unit of volume.

For example let’s look at a teaspoon of sugar. 4.2 grams of sugar would be equal to 1 teaspoon, instead of the general 5 grams per teaspoon. The added sugar is less dense, so it takes less grams to equal a teaspoon.

Here is a list of common ingredients with measurement in volume, and their gram to teaspoon conversion tables:

Ingredient1 Teaspoon (tsp) =
Water4.93 g
Sugar4.2 g
Honey7 g
Flour2.61 g
Milk5.1 g
Butter4.73 g
Baking Powder4.44 g

Check out this link for conversions of cooking ingredients.


Convert Teaspoons to Grams

It’s also easy to convert teaspoons to grams. For the general equation just multiply the teaspoons by 5 to convert them to grams.

tsp to g calculation:

Conversion factor: 1 tsp x 5 = 5 g

Example Teaspoons to Grams Conversion Equation:17 tsp x 5= 85 g

Convert 17 Grams to Other Units

Do you want to convert 17 grams into another unit? Here is a helpful table for converting 17 grams into other units:

Unit17 Grams (g) =
Micrograms (mcg)17,000,000 mcg
Milligram (mg)17,000 mg
Kilogram (kg)0.017 kg
Ounce (oz)0.6 oz
Pound (lb)0.037 lb
Tablespoon (tbsp)1.133 tbsp


What is a Gram?

The gram is a unit of mass in the commonly used metric system of measurement. The official definition is that a gram is one thousandth of the International Systems of Units (SI) base unit for mass, which is the kilogram.

The abbreviated symbol for a gram is “g”. Example 17 grams is the same as 17g.

See the dictionary definition here.

What is a Teaspoon?

The teaspoon is used as a measurement of volume, most commonly used as a measurement in cooking recipes. Most commonly it is 1/3 of a tablespoon.

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The abbreviated symbol for a teaspoon is “tsp”. Examples 17 teaspoons is the same as 17tsp.