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The difference in between brown rice and also white rice is not simply color!

What’s the Difference between Brown Rice and also White Rice?

White rice is brown rice that has been handle (refined). This milling and polishing process turns the brown rice come white and also alters the nutritional value of the rice.

You are watching: 1 cup rice equals how much cooked

This refining procedure destroys:

67% of the vitamin B380% that the vitamin B190% the the vitamin B660% of the ironmost the the dietary fibermost of the crucial fatty acids

Is Brown Rice much better for weight Loss?

Brown rice is high in nutrient – especially fiber. These facts alone do it really helpful for weight loss.

Brown rice it is provided a slow-moving release of energy without the blood street spikes you may experience v white rice.

What’s more, one tiny cup of brown rice gives you a chuck 80% the your daily needs for manganese. What’s so great about that? Well, manganese is a nutrient that helps control blood sugar and also metabolism – super helpful if you are trying to lose weight.

Need some slimming recipes? examine out my Weight ns Program.


Smart Rice

Manganese-rich brown rice might also help you think much better since manganese is critical nutrient for mind function.

How lot Uncooked Rice equates to How lot Cooked Rice?

Depending top top the form of rice and the an approach of cooking, one cup of dried rice can equal from two to four cups cooked. Utilizing this food preparation method, one cup of lengthy grain brown rice will yield nearly four cups of cooked rice.


How should I store Brown Rice?

Because brown rice has natural and also healthy oils, this grain can go rancid quickly. Ns recommend save rice in a cool ar for short amounts of time or in the frig or freezer for lengthy term storage.

How do I cook Brown Rice?

Here is a no-fail an approach for cooking long-grain brown rice. It’s the technique I use, and also it provides me beautiful, fluffy rice every time.

In this method, the rice is dextrinized (lightly browned) prior to cooking. Yes, this is one extra step, yet dextrinizing rice prior to cooking it provides it less complicated to digest and helps the nutrients in the rice come be more available. It also results in beautiful fluffy cook rice.

I dextrinize a huge amount that rice ahead of time and also store it in a container in mine frig for this reason it’s all set whenever I need it.

Recipes using Brown Rice

Two of mine favorite methods to eat rice space in this Broccoli Rice Burger,


and in this Avocado Cilantro Lime Rice.


Check out my other yummy recipes that usage brown rice.

This super nutritious, gluten-free grain has a lot of going because that it. Right here are my optimal 10 reasons for loving rice.


Preheat oven to 300°F.Distribute rice same on a large, dry baking sheet. (I use roughly 2 cups of rice because that a 13"x 9" baking sheet.Rice need to be in a slim layer.)Bake in ~ 300°F for 20 come 30 minute or until lightly browned. (Baking time will certainly vary relying on the type of baking pan used. Dark colored steel pans brown quicker than irradiate colored glass ones.)Add rice, cover, go back to boil, and then reduce heat. Simmer for 25 come 30 minute or until all the fluid is absorbed. (Cooking time will certainly vary depending upon how warm your stove burner is.)Remove lid and also fluff rice with fork.

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For finest results, stop lifting lid while food preparation rice. A pan v a glass lid is advantageous when cooking rice due to the fact that you deserve to see whether the rice is excellent or no without lifting the lid.