As an result of the 1851 contract of ft Laramie, the indians crossed fabricated boundaries setting the phase for conflict.
You are watching: Which statement best describes the effects of the 1851 treaty of fort laramie?
The very first treaty in fort Laramie was signed top top September 17, 2022 between US officials and also representatives that Dakota, Sheen, Arapah, Crows, Shoszon, Assiniboin, Mandan, Hidats and Arikar Indians.
The US federal government promised the ind their manage over the great Plains, which comprised the greater part of the Indian Territory. For their part, the indians guaranteed security to inhabitants heading west along the Oregon trail in exchange because that a pension of 50,000 dollars paid annually for 50 years. Native Americans were likewise to permit the construction of roads and also forts in your territories.
Later, the us Congress unilaterally (without covenant with the Indians) shortened the period of payment that the pension to 10 years, and also some tribes never received the payments as result of them. The treaty brought about a relative tranquility for several years.
Answer from: bee1538
The ind crossed artificial boundaries, setup the stage for conflict.
Answer from: tori6886
the indians crossed artificial boundaries, setup the stage for conflict
Answer from: CatelynBGray
The correct alternative will it is in the critical one: The ind crossed fabricated boundaries setting the stage for conflict. We recognize this since even though The us agreed to salary the assorted nations a cash payment every year as restitution for damage caused by white settlers" wagon trainsand the indigenous Americans agreed to border themselves come a specific geographical area, to stop harassing white settlers, some civilization like the Lakota Sioux refuse to abide by it.
Answer from: jr294
The declare that best describes the impacts of the 1851 treaty of fort Laramie is: D. The indians crossed man-made boundaries, setting the phase for conflict. The 1851 treaty of ft Laramie was an attempt to gain the various aboriginal American tribal countries to agree top top boundaries and to protect against fighting v one another, as well as permitting safe travel to settlers traveling the Oregon Trail. The treaty was damaged soon ~ it was made, together the Lakota and also Cheyenne peoples combated with the Crow, and also further troubles followed. A second Treaty of fort Laramie to be signed in between the united state government and also a variety of Indian nations in 1868, ~ the failure of that very first treaty.

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