You require to provide credit come both the original resource and the resource you in reality used. Because that example, if you read Chan's publication (published in 2002) and also wanted come quote or paraphrase Chan's quotation the Nguyen (who released her work-related in 1999), your in-text citation will certainly look favor this:

"Quote" (Nguyen, 1999, together cited in Chan, 2002, p. 487)


Nguyen argues, "Quote" (as cited in Chan, 2002, p.487)

On your references page, you will just list the resource you in reality read;in this case, Chan.

Also, from page 292 of the APA Manual:

"Enclose direct quotations in ~ a block quotation in double quotation marks. In a quotation in running message that is currently enclosed in twin quotation marks, use single quotation marks come enclose quoted material."

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