NH2, as we have the right to see, is a chemistry composition of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. However, this has several forms of existence as chemistry entities. Together a neutral compound, this is known to exist as a radical well-known as amino radical and also therefore has actually the formula NH2.

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A radical is recognized to consists an unpaired valence electron and also therefore has tendency to be highly chemically reactive. This residential property makes this radical short-lived (unless cure with details organic molecules). It has actually a molar massive of approximately 16.0226 g/mol and is the neutral kind of amide ion or azanide ions.

Here, in this article, we will emphasis on the azanide anion (NH2-). NH2- is the conjugate acid of hydridonitrate (H-N2-) and conjugate basic of ammonia (NH3).

2Li + 2NH3 —–> 2LiNH2 + H2

The above reaction shows how metal amides like Lithium Amide room being created from fluid ammonia solution and Li metal.

Azanide is a monovalent and also inorganic anion having a an adverse charge the -1.

NH2- is not secure as such and also therefore the is discovered to exist as a hydrazine compound.

Amidyl group( -NH-) and also azanidylidene team (=N-) space substituent groups from azanide. ( Amidyl team is formed due to a ns of a proton indigenous NH2-).

Let united state now obtain into ours topic that discussion and also talk around the chemistry bonding nature that NH2-.

NH2 Lewis Structure

The many initial and important action towards finding the end the bonding nature of any type of chemical molecular structure is to attract its Lewis Structure.

Lewis framework is a 2D diagram to represent the inner bonding in between constituent atoms in a molecule or ion. Here, we have three an essential concepts come understand prior to we deserve to proceed to lay out the Lewis framework of any kind of given molecule, in this case, azanide ion.

1. Valence electrons and electron dot notations:

We currently know what valency is. The is characterized to it is in the combining volume of one atom to kind bond structures. As soon as two atoms share electron pairs, a link is formed. Accordingly, there deserve to be single, double, and triple bonds.

Valence electrons describe the electron in the outermost shell of an atom nucleus. We signify these together dots while drawing the Lewis Structure, likewise known together electron-dot structure. The bonds are denoted by directly lines.

2. Octet rule

If we have actually a look into the modern periodic table, we deserve to see that the key group aspects are present between groups 1-17. These elements have a propensity to achieve the outer shell digital configuration that noble gas elements, i.e. They have tendency to attain a valency that 8 while shortcut formation.

This is known as the octet preeminence or octet fulfillment. However, over there are particular exceptions to this rule.

3. Formal Charge

If us assume that electrons will always be common in same proportions between atoms while creating a molecular structure, then the individual electrical charge assigned to the atoms is said to it is in the formal charge.

While finding out the photographic representation the the molecule, it is a an important step to check whether the atoms room in their least feasible formal charge values.

Let us start illustration lewis structure for NH2

Nitrogen belonging to duration 15 and has 5 valence electron whereas hydrogen belong to duration 1 and also has just 1 valence electron.

Other than this, we have actually an electron that offers us the an unfavorable charge the -1.

The total number of valence electron in an NH2- anion = 5 + 2*1 + 1 = 8.

If we compare electronegativities, Hydrogen has less worth than Nitrogen. The atom having less electronegativity value creates the central atom in general.

However, hydrogen, having actually only one electron and not being capable of creating several covalent bonds, carry out not stay or act as the central atom.

So, nitrogen creates the main atom in this case.


We have placed the atoms with nitrogen in the center.


We have placed every the valence electrons and denoted castle by period notations.

As we deserve to check, the nitrogen atom has accomplished octet configuration.

As for hydrogen, as an exception to the general octet rule, it complies with helium configuration and both the atom have completed so.


Now, we have actually to inspect the formal charge values of every the ingredient atoms.


Formal charge of N= 5 – 0.5*4 – 4 = -1.

Formal charge of H= 1 – 0.5*2 – 0 = 0.

As we deserve to see, there is a net an adverse charge on the NH2 structure.


NH2 molecule Geometry

Do you understand that we deserve to predict the 3D molecular form of a molecule native its Lewis Structure?

For this, we need to understand the principle of VSEPR or Valence covering Electron Pair Repulsion theory. This concept tells united state that due to the fact that electrons are favor charges, the an unfavorable cloud setting formed through them bordering each atom nucleus has tendency to suffer repulsion.

We must minimize the repulsion emerging between electrons to stabilize a molecular structure.

Let us examine the VSEPR notation because that NH2-.

AXnEx notation: A is the main atom, X = surrounding atoms or electron bonded bag of the central atom, E= lone pair top top the main atom.

For azanide anion, the notation is AX2E2.


As we have the right to see in the over VSEPR chart, we have a bent molecular geometry because that NH2-.

It has actually a bond angle of 104.50, much much less than the basic ideal 109.50 value. This occurs due to the strong repulsive power of the two lone pairs on the central N atom.


Electron Geometry

If we look in ~ the Lewis framework of NH2- ion, we have the right to see that we have four electron-rich regions about our central nitrogen atom. There are two bonded electron pairs approximately N to form single covalent bonds each v a Hydrogen atom on either side.

Apart indigenous this, N has two unbonded or lone electron pairs. These 4 electron bag (bonded and also unbonded) result in a tetrahedral electron geometry.

NH2 Hybridization

Orbital hybridization is a significant topic in chemistry. The is a mathematical version to explain the phenomenon that covalent bonding.

If we take into consideration electrons to behave as both particles and waves, we deserve to say that us cannot predict the precise location of electrons around an atomic nucleus as declared by Heisenberg’s suspicion Principle.

Hence, we talk around orbitals which provide us an idea of the probability that the presence of electrons in a regional space.

Atomic orbitals of the exact same atom of indistinguishable energies come together and fuse to kind hybridized orbitals according to Valence Bond concept (VBT).

For example, an ‘s’ and a ‘p’ orbit come with each other to type an sp hybrid orbital, one ‘s’ and also two ‘p’ orbitals ( e.g. Px, py ) fuse to kind an sp2 hybrid orbital, and also so on.

Let us check what the hybridization the NH2- ion is:

For finding the end hybridization, we can use the complying with formula:

H= 1/2 ( V + M – C + A)

H= hybridization type

V= number of valence electrons

M= monovalent atoms

C= cationic charge

A= anionic charge

Here, V=5, M=2. C=0, A=1.

H = ½( 5 + 2 – 0 + 1) = 4.

For Nitrogen atom, no. The valence electrons= 5.

If we look at the electronic configuration the N, we have the right to see:

N: 1s2 2s2 2p3

The 1s orbital, no being an external shell orbital does no take component in the hybridization. We only take right into account the valence shell electrons.

So, the s and three 2p orbitals (px, py, pz) fuse to type sp3 hybrid orbitals.

NH2 Polarity

Polarity is an additional important principle of chemistry that us will talk about in this article with regard to NH2- ion. Polarity is the principle of fee separation within a molecule.

To decipher the polar nature of azanide, we must look right into the Pauling Electronegativity chart.


The expertise of electronegativity i.e the power or degree to i m sorry an atom can attain negatively charged electrons forced to find out whether a offered molecule is polar or non-polar.

As we can discover out, N has actually an electronegativity value of 3.04 and also H has an electronegativity value of 2.20. So, there is a large electronegativity distinction in the N-H bond which results in induction the dipole moment.

It is calculated as the product that the charge and also the distance in between both the charges. There will be partial optimistic and an adverse charges (δ+ and δ-) in ~ both ends. Hence, polar binding are created as a result.

For core factors of the polarity the NH2, girlfriend must inspect out the polarity that NH2.

If us look at the 3D geometry that the molecule, we have the right to see that it is no linear as result of the presence of repulsive pressures via lone pairs and bond pairs.

This also contributes to the polar nature of NH2- ion.

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Here, in this article, we have defined the bonding nature that azanide or amide ion. Us have consisted of in our discussion the Lewis Structure, molecule geometry, Hybridization, and also Polarity.