Joan Crawford to be an avid collector the Margaret and Walter Keane"s "sad eyes" paintings and also befriended the couple and tried come incorporate their work into her films. In the film, throughout the internal scenes the the neighbor"s (Mrs. Bates) house, number of Keene paintings deserve to be seen presented on the walls.
You are watching: Whatever happened to baby jane color
Bette Davis had actually been nominated for ideal Actress in she film What ever Happened to infant Jane?, which additionally starring Joan Crawford. If Bette had actually won, it would certainly have collection a record number of wins because that an actress. According to the publication "Bette & Joan - The divine Feud" by Shaun Considine, the two had a life lengthy mutual hatred, and a jealousy Joan Crawford actively campaigned against Bette Davis for winning finest Actress, and also even told ann Bancroft that if anne won and was can not to expropriate the Award, Joan would certainly be happy to expropriate it on her behalf. Follow to the publication - and also this may or may not be 100% true, yet it renders a good anecdote - top top Oscar night, Bette Davis was standing in the wings of the theatre waiting to listen the surname of the winner. When it was announced that ann Bancroft had won ideal Actress because that The miracle Worker, Bette Davis feeling an icy hand on her shoulder together Joan Crawford stated "Excuse me, I have an Oscar to accept".
A freeze-frame simply as the car enters the driveway in the prologue reveals the secret of that was control the automobile the night Blanche to be paralyzed.
According come Bette Davis in her publication This N" That, this film was initially going to be shot in color. Bette opposed this, saying that it would just make a sad story look pretty.
Because she to be then a member that the Pepsi-Cola plank of directors, Joan Crawford controlled to watch that product placement shots that the soft drinks showed up in every one of her later on films. Although nearly imperceptible, Pepsi does display up in this one. During the critical sequence, a man runs approximately the refreshment was standing on the beach and also tries to collect the deposit on some empty Pepsi party - a transaction that actually only happened in stores.
Cracked head of baby Jane doll featured prominently in advertisement campaign to be a completely different doll 보다 that supplied in movie - probably due to the fact that movie to be filmed and also released so quickly that advertisement staff had to devise project while film to be still in production.
During production, Bette Davis had actually a Coca-Cola machine installed ~ above the collection to rage Joan Crawford, whose late husband had actually been CEO of rival Pepsi-Cola and who herself was on the plank of director of the company.
During the kicking scene, Bette Davis kicked Joan Crawford in the head, and the resulting wound required stitches. In retaliation, Crawford put weights in she pockets for this reason that as soon as Davis had actually to traction Crawford"s near-lifeless body, she strained her back.
Early in the film, gibbs Bert Freed play a film director can be checked out wearing a necktie that"s not tied in a knot, yet is rather crossed over hosted on through a tie clasp. That was a trademark look of the movie"s manager Robert Aldrich, and was placed there as an inside gag.
Exterior shots of the Hudson house were filmed in ~ 172 S. McCadden Pl. In Los Angeles. Right next door at 180 S. McCadden Pl. Is the residence Judy Garland live in throughout production that The wizard of Oz.
In 1962, this film was a stop hit, grossing nine million dollars initially. In 2009 dollars, this quantity would adjust to around $64,279,370.86.
In enhancement to her trademark number "I"ve written a Letter to Daddy", the young baby Jane apparently had other hit song in her act. As soon as Edwin prepares to play the piano for their rehearsal, we check out Jane"s snapshot featured top top old paper music because that songs licensed has been granted "Fly the Flag of Freedom", "She"s Somebody"s small Girl", and also "I Wouldn"t profession My Daddy".
In her book, "This N" That", Bette Davis stated she had a lot of manage over exactly how her makeup must be done because that the film. She imagine the enlarge Jane together someone that would never ever wash she face, just put on an additional layer the makeup. Once her daughter, B.D. Very first saw her in full "Jane" makeup, she said, "Oh, mother, this time you"ve gone too far".
In scenes wherein Jane imitates Blanche"s voice, the voice heard is in reality Joan Crawford"s voice, and also not Bette Davis", together Bette can not grasp Joan"s voice properly.
The curious teenager who lives next door come the Hudson sister is none other than Barbara Merrill, Bette Davis"s real-life daughter.
The Hudson sisters" car, identified by the police together a 1940 or "41 model, shows up to it is in a 1946 Lincoln Continental.
The producers initially wanted Peter Lawford come play Edwin Flagg. Bette Davis likewise originally objected come Victor Buono"s casting however eventually came around.
The wig Bette Davis wears throughout the movie had, unbeknownst come both leads, to be worn by Joan Crawford in an previously MGM movie. Since it had been re-groomed, Crawford didn"t acknowledge it.
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This movie is considered by plenty of as Joan Crawford"s last crucial picture. After this film, Joan to be typecast in some lesser horror images until she last photo in 1970 and also her last TV illustration in 1972.
While touring the talk display circuit to promote the movie, Bette Davis told one interviewer that when she and also Joan Crawford were very first suggested because that the leader in this film, Warner Bros. Studio head Jack L. Warner replied: "I wouldn"t provide a plugged nickel for either one of those 2 old broads." Recalling the story, Davis laugh at her own expense. The adhering to day, she reportedly received a telegram indigenous Crawford: "In future, please perform not describe me as an old broad!"