For institution GroupsCosts 13.00 per studentTakes about 1.50 hoursDescription

When you construct a catapult through three simple machines as component of the style (lever, pulley, screw), you include multiple levels of complexity to an already elegantly conceived machine. Readjust trajectory, control cause mechanism and launch ping pong balls with more thoughtful plans 보다 just allude and release.

You are watching: What type of simple machine is a catapult

We room accustomed come teaching with a design in prior of a child, yet these instructions need to make the so that anyone can construct one there is no our presence. We urge that parents and also teachers be over there to overview – but to enable the kid to shot to allow the products (and a snapshot of the last product) guide them. A not correct direction is always un-doable till you"ve glued something.

The Parts. Us use hardwood Glue but White adhesive is fine too.


Step 1. Making certain you have determined the top and also bottom side of the base. Apply glue right into the notches because that the uprights and tap them into them so the they stand flat on the table when inserted into the notches. It have to look choose the 2nd picture here.


Step 2. Hammer the nails right into the small holes in the bottoms of the uprights so the they space secure.


Step 3. place two 1/4" dowels into one that the uprights as shown and the third dowel v the topmost hole in the "arm" that the catapult.


Step 4. attach the "arm" to the uprights by pushing the dowel v the bottom feet on the arm. Make certain the "arm" is going in the right direction when you attach it. Look in ~ the picture. Press the height dowel with the hole on the top of the various other upright.


Step 5. connect one the the tan rubberbands to the dowel top top the topf the the uprights and bring it approximately the arm and onto the other side. (See the picture).


Step 6. lug the wire up and around the sheave in the arm. (See the picture).


Step 7. climate down, around and also up roughly the sheave in the base. (See the picture).


Step 8. placed the quick dowel through the hole on the create piece and slide it right into the bottom of the basic so that it can be propelled down right into the slot come secure it. (See the pictures).


Step 9. top top the height side, take the small rubberband and also attach it come the trigger and also thumbtack it to the side of the base. (See the pictures).


Step 10. press in and twist the screw eye to the small holes top top the prior bottom the the catapult. (See the pictures). These assist you collection the trajectory of her ping pong ball as soon as it"s launched.


Step 11. connect the cable to the trigger. (See the pictures).


Step 12.

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perfect Simple an equipment Catapult all set to start a ping pong ball. (See the picture.)


You should wear eye protection whenever making use of a catapult. Be sure to shoot far from yourself, and don"t put your face above the catapult once shooting it.