The square source of 10000 is expressed together √10000 in the radical kind and together (10000)½ or (10000)0.5 in the exponent form. The square source of 10000 is 100. The is the hopeful solution that the equation x2 = 10000. The number 10000 is a perfect square.

You are watching: What is the square root of 10000

Square root of 10000: 100Square source of 10000 in exponential form: (10000)½ or (10000)0.5Square root of 10000 in radical form: √10000


1.What is the Square source of 10000?
2.How to uncover the Square root of 10000?
3.Is the Square root of 10000 Rational?

The square source of 10000, (or source 10000), is the number which as soon as multiplied by itself gives the product together 10000. Therefore, the square root of 10000 = √10000 = 100.

☛ Check: Square source Calculator


Value the √10000 by Long division Method


Forming pairs: 01, 00 and also 00Find a number Y (1) such that whose square is lug down the following pair 00, to the right of the remainder 0. The brand-new dividend is currently 0.Add the last digit that the quotient (1) come the divisor (1) i.e. 1 + 1 = 2. To the right of 2, uncover a number Z (which is 0) such the 2Z × Z division 0 by 20 through the quotient as 0, providing the remainder = 0 - 20 × 0 = 0 - 0 = 0.Bring down the next pair 00, to the appropriate of the remainder 0. The new dividend is now 0.Add the last digit that the quotient (0) come the divisor (20) i.e. 0 + 20 = 20. Come the right of 20, uncover a number Z (which is 0) such the 20Z × Z divide 0 through 200 through the quotient as 0, giving the remainder = 0 - 200 × 0 = 0 - 0 = 0.We stop the procedure since the remainder is now 0 and also there room no more digits that have the right to be brought down.

Therefore, the square root of 10000 through long division method is 100.

Is Square source of 10000 Rational?

The worth of √10000 is 100. Hence, the square root of 10000 is a reasonable number.

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Square root of 10000 resolved Examples

Example 1: solve the equation x2 − 10000 = 0


x2 - 10000 = 0 i.e. X2 = 10000x = ±√10000Since the worth of the square root of 10000 is 100,⇒ x = +√10000 or -√10000 = 100 or -100.

Example 3: If the area of a one is 10000π in2. Find the radius of the circle.


Let "r" be the radius the the circle.⇒ Area of the circle = πr2 = 10000π in2⇒ r = ±√10000 inSince radius can"t be negative,⇒ r = √10000Square source of 10000 is 100.⇒ r = 100 in

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FAQs ~ above the Square source of 10000

What is the value of the Square root of 10000?

The square root of 10000 is 100.

Why is the Square root of 10000 a rational Number?

Upon prime factorizing 10000 i.e. 24 × 54, we uncover that all the prime factors are in also power. This means that the square source of 10000 is a optimistic integer. Therefore, the square root of 10000 is rational.

If the Square source of 10000 is 100. Uncover the worth of the Square root of 100.

Let us stand for √100 in p/q form i.e. √(10000/100) = 100/10 = 10. Hence, the worth of √100 = 10

What is the Square of the Square source of 10000?

The square the the square source of 10000 is the number 10000 chin i.e. (√10000)2 = (10000)2/2 = 10000.

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Evaluate 14 plus 5 square source 10000

The provided expression is 14 + 5 √10000. We understand that the square source of 10000 is 100. Therefore, 14 + 5 √10000 = 14 + 5 × 100 = 14 + 500 = 514

Is the number 10000 a Perfect Square?

The element factorization of 10000 = 24 × 54. Here, all the numbers room in the strength of 2. This indicates that the square root of 10000 is a hopeful integer. Therefore, 10000 is a perfect square.