We’re gift asked todetermine the link orderofCl2+. Because that this, we need to do the complying with steps:

Step 1:Calculate the total number of valence electrons present.

You are watching: What is the bond order of cl2

Step 2:Draw the molecular orbital diagram.

Step 3:Calculate the shortcut order the the molecule/ion. Recall that the formula forbond orderis:


The molecular orbital diagram because that Cl2 will be comparable to that of F2:



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Q.With what neutral homonuclear diatomic molecules space the NO+ and also NO- ions isoelectronic (same number of electrons)?
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What scientific ide do you require to understand in bespeak to deal with this problem?

Our tutors have actually indicated that to resolve this problem you will need to use the MO Theory: link Order concept. You deserve to view video lessons to discover MO Theory: bond Order. Or if girlfriend need more MO Theory: bond Order practice, girlfriend can additionally practice MO Theory: shortcut Order exercise problems.

What is the difficulty of this problem?

Our tutors rated the difficulty ofWhat is the bond order of Cl 2+ ?...as low difficulty.

How long does this trouble take come solve?

Our expert Chemistry tutor, Jules took 2 minutes and also 52 secs to settle this problem. You deserve to follow their procedures in the video clip explanation above.

What professor is this trouble relevant for?

Based on our data, us think this trouble is appropriate for Professor Davis' class at UCF.

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