16 −1

Step 1

We can"t subtract two fractions with various denominators. So you need to gain a usual denominator. To carry out this, you"ll main point the denominators times every other... But the numerators have to change, too. They get multiplied by the other term"s denominator.

You are watching: What is 1/6 of 12

So us multiply 1 by 12, and get 12.

Then we multiply 1 by 6, and also get 6.

Next we provide both terms brand-new denominators -- 6 × 12 = 72.

So currently our fountain look favor this:


Step 2

Since our platform match, we have the right to subtract the numerators.

12 − 6 = 6

So the answer is:


Step 3

Last the all, we have to simplify the fraction, if possible. Can it be diminished to a much easier fraction?

To discover out, we shot dividing the by 2...

Are both the numerator and the denominator same divisible by 2? Yes! so we alleviate it:

÷ 2 =3

Let"s shot dividing through 2 again...

Nope! So currently we try the next best prime number, 3...

Are both the numerator and the denominator evenly divisible through 3? Yes! therefore we minimize it:

÷ 3 =1

Let"s try dividing by 3 again...

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No good. 3 is bigger than 1. So we"re done reducing.

There you have actually it! The last answer is:

1/12 + 1/2
1/12 - 1/2
1/12 + 1/3
1/12 - 1/3
1/12 + 2/3
1/12 - 2/3
1/12 + 1/4
1/12 - 1/4
1/12 + 2/4
1/12 - 2/4
1/12 + 3/4
1/12 - 3/4
1/12 + 1/5
1/12 - 1/5
1/12 + 2/5
1/12 - 2/5
1/12 + 3/5
1/12 - 3/5
1/12 + 4/5
1/12 - 4/5
1/12 + 1/6
1/12 - 1/6
1/12 + 2/6
1/12 - 2/6
1/12 + 3/6
1/12 - 3/6
1/12 + 4/6
1/12 - 4/6
1/12 + 5/6
1/12 - 5/6
1/12 + 1/7
1/12 - 1/7
1/12 + 2/7
1/12 - 2/7
1/12 + 3/7
1/12 - 3/7
1/12 + 4/7
1/12 - 4/7
1/12 + 5/7
1/12 - 5/7
1/12 + 6/7
1/12 - 6/7
1/12 + 1/8
1/12 - 1/8
1/12 + 2/8
1/12 - 2/8
1/12 + 3/8
1/12 - 3/8
1/12 + 4/8
1/12 - 4/8
1/12 + 5/8
1/12 - 5/8
1/12 + 6/8
1/12 - 6/8
1/12 + 7/8
1/12 - 7/8
1/12 + 1/9
1/12 - 1/9
1/12 + 2/9
1/12 - 2/9
1/12 + 3/9
1/12 - 3/9
1/12 + 4/9
1/12 - 4/9
1/12 + 5/9
1/12 - 5/9
1/12 + 6/9
1/12 - 6/9
1/12 + 7/9
1/12 - 7/9
1/12 + 8/9
1/12 - 8/9
1/12 + 1/10
1/12 - 1/10
1/12 + 2/10
1/12 - 2/10
1/12 + 3/10
1/12 - 3/10
1/12 + 4/10
1/12 - 4/10
1/12 + 5/10
1/12 - 5/10
1/12 + 6/10
1/12 - 6/10
1/12 + 7/10
1/12 - 7/10
1/12 + 8/10
1/12 - 8/10
1/12 + 9/10
1/12 - 9/10
1/12 + 1/11
1/12 - 1/11
1/12 + 2/11
1/12 - 2/11
1/12 + 3/11
1/12 - 3/11
1/12 + 4/11
1/12 - 4/11
1/12 + 5/11
1/12 - 5/11
1/12 + 6/11
1/12 - 6/11
1/12 + 7/11
1/12 - 7/11
1/12 + 8/11
1/12 - 8/11
1/12 + 9/11
1/12 - 9/11
1/12 + 10/11
1/12 - 10/11
1/12 + 1/12
1/12 - 1/12
1/12 + 2/12
1/12 - 2/12
1/12 + 3/12
1/12 - 3/12
1/12 + 4/12
1/12 - 4/12
1/12 + 5/12
1/12 - 5/12
1/12 + 6/12
1/12 - 6/12
1/12 + 7/12
1/12 - 7/12
1/12 + 8/12
1/12 - 8/12
1/12 + 9/12
1/12 - 9/12
1/12 + 10/12
1/12 - 10/12
1/12 + 11/12
1/12 - 11/12