I love finding out obscure facts around objects, such together their weight. Even if it is it’s babies the were bornvery heavy,strangely large rocks, or even just the load of mine favorite chocolate bar, I desire to know howheavy the is.So, we compiled a list of typical things that weigh 100 grams.

You are watching: What household item weighs 100 grams

How much is 100 Grams?

One hundredgrams is about0.22 poundsor 0.1 kilograms. Due to the fact that it is such a little amount,the points you’re going to discover that weigh about a hundreds grams space goingto be tiny and cute, i m sorry makesfor a better list, in our opinion.This list has been broken down into a couple of sub-categories: animals,household items, and food.


There space lots of animals that weigh about 100 grams, and even an ext that friend can couple together to do that.Knowing just how much your animal weighs could be a usefultool if you’re trying to rent a place.Some landlords, particularly in large cities like new York, limit bigger pets, prefer dogs, by their weight.

1. Mice

You constantly have to include a healthy and balanced option, right? half of a tool pomegranate is around 87 grams.Therefore, you might have half of a medium pomegranate and also thenabout 11 Cheez-itswhen you get hungry again right after.The weight of one really pomegranate seed different too much to phone call how countless seeds are in 100 grams on your own.

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3. Coco Chip Cookies

One store-bought coco chip cookie deserve to be intended to weigh about 16 grams. That means that you might haveaboutsixchocolate chip cookies, friend would have 96 grams. And also how to get to a hundred? Easy. A cacao chip weighs about .324 the agram.Soadd 11chocolate chips and also you’reat 99.564 grams. We can round the up, can not we?

Bottom Line

No way, dude. That’s crazy.Until you begin weighing things about you, you may not have any idea exactly how much something weighs, even if it is it’s an animal, a food item, or also the lid to a pen(approximately 1 gram, by the way).Weight is something we together humans focus on a lot of in ourselves, but we don’t so much worry around the things roughly us, so learning about seemingly trivial points like exactly how much they weigh is miscellaneous that, once you take the time to carry out it, could surprise you.