What has teeth yet cannot Eat Riddle: What has actually teeth but cannot Eat Riddle is a tricky riddle that is trending on social media consisting of Facebook, Instagram, and also WhatsApp household groups. Inspect out teh What has teeth yet cannot Eat Riddle below and shot to solve the riddle. Read the write-up to gain information around What has teeth but cannot Eat Riddle and challenge your friends and also family.

You are watching: What has teeth but cannot bite

Why need to you try "What has actually teeth however cannot Eat" Riddle?

Puzzles, riddles, and challenges have end up being viral on society media during the COVID-19 lockdown. These riddles and Puzzles are making ring on WhatsApp groups also. A many of people are security time on their hobbies like reading, cooking, play indoor games, etc. 

Solving riddles, puzzles, and mind teasers virtual are among the numerous things the the world have determined to spend their time with some productivity. These riddles help one develop an important and analytical skills, and sometimes lock are additionally fun come solve. Amidst the lockdown, more and an ext puzzles room being shared and also one of castle is a What has actually teeth however cannot Eat Riddle that has actually been act the ring on social media.

Here is What has actually teeth however cannot Eat Riddle

Take a look in ~ the question!

"What has teeth yet cannot bite?"

What is the answer come "What has teeth yet cannot Eat" Riddle?

The best answer to the "What has actually teeth yet cannot Eat Riddle" is "Comb"


As per the riddle, a comb has actually teeth yet it can"t bite. Various other inanimate objects with teeth favor a saw, zipper, or equipment can bite you. Hence comb is the correct answer.

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1. I had $2.00. Mine mom gave me $10.00 while my dad gave me $30.00. Mine aunt and uncle provided me $100.00. Ns had one more $5.00. Exactly how much did i have?

The answer come the I had actually $2 Riddle is "$7." The riddle is to fix one's logical skill. In the riddle, the human being holds $2+$5 = $7.

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2. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t organize me for five minutes. What to be I?

The best answer is her breath. One's breath is light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t organize me for five minutes.

3. A drunk man comes home and finds his mam in the bed with one more man. The goes and also grabs his gun the end of the closet! What was opened first?

The answer come the Drunk male Comes home Riddle is "Bottle." It mentioned a drunk man, which means he had to open an alcohol bottle before coming home. Hence the answer to the riddle is "Bottle."