A computer ________ is 2 or an ext computers linked using software and hardware so that they can connect with every other.

You are watching: The most popular transmission media option for wired ethernet networks is


Which transmission medium transmits data the fastest?

Fiber-optic cable

Normal call cable is a kind of ________.

twisted-pair cable

A client/server network is an instance of ________ administration


A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is an example of ________ administration.


The fastest version of wireless Ethernet is ________.

802.11 ac

Which the the following is not a kind of cable offered in wired networks?

Unshielded coaxial

Which that the adhering to is no a kind of UTP cable you would use in a wired Ethernet network?

Cat 7B

The most renowned transmission media alternative for wired home Ethernet networks is ________ cable.

unshielded twisted-pair UTP

Wireless network tools use ________ to communicate with every other.

radio waves

For the nodes top top a network to communicate with each other and access the network, every node needs a ________.

network adapter

A ________ is a an equipment connected to a network such as a printer or a game console.


On a network, a(n) ________ helps avoid data packets native colliding through each other.


Sophisticated networks typically use i m sorry of the adhering to hardware devices to lull the circulation of data v the network?

Routers and switches

To deliver data packets between two or more networks, a ________ is used.


Data are sent through a network in bundles referred to as ________.


All of the adhering to operating systems assistance P2P networking other than ________.


Client/server networks are regulated by a central server the runs specialized software called a(n) ________.

network operating device (NOS)

Which that the following is no a wired broadband Internet connection option?


A(n) ________ maker facilitates record sharing and data backup.


Using a network there is no the network owner’s permission is well-known as ________.


All that the following are extra precautions you deserve to take to secure a wireless network other than ________.

enable SSID broadcast

________ is the actual rate of data carry that is achieved and is always less than or equal to the data carry rate.


The distinct number assigned to a network adapter through the manufacturer is described as the ________ address.


All of the complying with are tasks for network administration of a large organization other than ________.

purchasing initial devices for the network

Which the the complying with is NOT supplied to classify network architectures?

Speed the the network

A printer associated to a wireless network is considered to it is in a node on that network.


Sharing papers is a benefit of a network.


In a peer-to-peer network, one computer system acts together the central computer.


P2P networks space most generally used in residence networks.


________ is the maximum rate at which data deserve to be transferred between two nodes.


The internet is a WAN.


Current wired Ethernet networks in the United states are based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard.


Ethernet networks are constantly connected using twisted-pair cable technology.


Wireless network connections are slower than wired broadband connections.


The most renowned transmission media alternative for wired Ethernet networks is UTP cable.


Most computers today come with Ethernet adapters currently installed.


A router acts favor a website traffic signal ~ above a network.


A P2P network requirements network operating system software set up on every node.


Wireless networks are an ext vulnerable to attack than wired networks.


WEP is a stronger kind of protection than WPA.


A ________ is a network situated in your residence that connects come all your digital devices.


Limiting your signal range does not assist increase wireless network security.


A network the spans a huge physical distance is called a ________.

See more: Which Of The Following Is Not A Universalizing Religion, Chapter 6 Flashcards


A huge network designed to provide accessibility to a specific geographic area, such together a big city, is a ________.