Enter a chemical formula to calculate its molar mass and also elemental composition:
Molar massive of K is 39.09830 ± 0.00010 g/mol

Compound surname is potassium
Convert between K weight and moles
CompoundMolesWeight, g

Elemental composition of KElementSymbolAtomic weightAtomsMass percent
Mass percent compositionAtomic percent composition

Sample reactions for K
EquationReaction type
K + H2O = KOH + H2single replacement
K + Br2 = KBrsynthesis
K + MgBr2 = KBr + Mgsingle replacement
K + Cl2 = KClsynthesis
K + B2O3 = K2O + Bsingle replacement
Formula in Hill mechanism is K

Computing molar mass (molar weight)

To calculate molar mass of a chemistry compound enter its formula and also click "Compute". In chemistry formula you may use:Any chemical element. Capitalize the an initial letter in chemistry symbol and use lower case for the remaining letters: Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, S, O, H, C, N, Na, K, Cl, Al.Functional groups: D, Ph, Me, Et, Bu, AcAc, For, Ts, Tos, Bz, TMS, tBu, Bzl, Bn, Dmgparantesis () or brackets <>.Common link names.Examples the molar fixed computations: NaCl, Ca(OH)2, K4,CuSO4*5H2O,water,nitric acid,potassium permanganate,ethanol,fructose.

You are watching: The molar mass of potassium is

Molar massive calculator likewise displays typical compound name, Hill formula, element composition, mass percent composition, atomic percent compositions and permits to convert from load to variety of moles and vice versa.

Computing molecular weight (molecular mass)

To calculation molecular load of a chemistry compound go into it"s formula, point out its isotope fixed number ~ each element in square brackets.Examples of molecular weight computations: C<14>O<16>2, S<34>O<16>2.

See more: Which Of The Following Symbols Is Used To Qualify Column Names? ?

Definitions of molecular mass, molecular weight, molar mass and molar weight

Molecular mass (molecular weight) is the massive of one molecule the a substance and also is express in the combined atomic mass units (u). (1 u is same to 1/12 the fixed of one atom the carbon-12) Molar mass (molar weight) is the mass of one mole that a substance and also is to express in g/mol.Weights that atoms and isotopes space from NIST article.Related: molecular weights of amino acidsmolecular weights calculate today you re welcome let united state know exactly how we deserve to improve this net app.
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