The Bottom Line
Ice packs are common household items, which provides them available to tiny children. There are many different species of reusable ice packs. Typically, unintentionally swallowing few of their fluid contents reasons minor effects such together mouth irritation. However, depending on the ingredients and the quantity swallowed, ice packs do have actually the potential to cause toxicity.
You are watching: Is the liquid in ice packs toxic

The full Story
Ice packs are discovered in millions of houses as castle are offered for a wide range of functions such together icing an injury and also keeping food cold. Lock come in countless forms and also contain different ingredients depending upon the type of ice cream pack. Some space in cute shapes with soft, gel-like beads in them. Various other ice package turn into solids when frozen yet are soft and squishy once thawed. Over there are additionally one-time usage "instant" ice cream packs, which deserve to be found in many first-aid kits. These are stored in ~ room temperature and also only turn cold once squeezed. Depending on the type of ice cream pack, results of exposure can range from nontoxic to serious.
The most concerning form of ice load is the prompt ice pack. These room filled through water and also a chemical reactor. As soon as the bag is squeezed, the water interacts with the chemical to begin a reaction the lowers the temperature of the water to practically freezing. The chemical reactors in these ice packs are commonly ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, or urea. Of these, the many toxic ingredient if swallowed is ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate can reason dilation of blood vessels. This deserve to lower blood pressure and reduce the quantity of blood flow to human body organs. That might also cause conditions called methemoglobinemia (impairment the the oxygen-carrying capability of red blood cells) and hemolysis (destruction the red blood cells). Symptoms of methemoglobinemia and hemolysis incorporate bluish coloring particularly of lips or nail beds, shortness the breath, dizziness, fatigue, and headache.
Calcium ammonium nitrate is a mixture that calcium carbonate and ammonium nitrate. Because calcium lead carbonate is nontoxic, calcium ammonium nitrate is less toxic 보다 a similar amount the ammonium nitrate. Calcium ammonium nitrate still has the exact same toxic properties as ammonium nitrate, but it needs a bigger swallowed amount to have actually the same effect. Urea is the least worrying reactor in instant ice packs, yet it can reason nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion if enough is swallowed.
Reusable ice packs commonly contain water, something to lower the freeze temperature, a thickening agent, silica gel, and also non-toxic blue coloring. The concerning component in reusable ice packs is the ingredient offered to reduced the temperature, i beg your pardon is usually propylene glycol. A little taste of recycle ice pack liquid commonly only creates mild irritation. With big ingestions, it is feasible to develop symptoms comparable to alcohol intoxication such as significant drowsiness, unresponsiveness, and slowed breathing.
Other type of reusable ice assets come in different forms favor reusable ice cream cubes through liquid in them and also ice packs filled with small gel beads. Reusable ice cubes are commonly filled through distilled water. The gel beads in ice packs are usually make of sodium polyacrylate, which deserve to be irritating if swallowed. Some beforehand reusable ice packs contained an extremely toxic building material such as diethylene glycol or ethylene glycol (antifreeze). These varieties of ice packs have actually been recalled and are typically no longer available.
Treatment for ingestion of modern-day ice packs or commodities is rinsing the end the mouth and also drinking a couple of sips that water to clear the mouth and throat.Mild irritation and also upset stomach have the right to be managed at home with small sips that water. Eye exposures have to receive instant irrigation of the eyes v room temperature water for 15 minutes. Persistent eye ache or other symptoms could need medical examination and also treatment. Skin exposures must be instantly washed through soap and water. Many often, skin and also eye exposures will respond easily to irrigation of the impacted area.
If you think someone might be having adverse effects from a reusable ice cream product, automatically call manage at 1-800-222-1222 or examine the webinvernessgangshow.netCONTROL® online tool for help. Even if it is you call or log on, professional assistance is easily accessible 24 hours a day.
Diana N. Pei, PharmDCertified professional in Information
call 1-800-222-1222 or
aid ME online
Prevention Tips
usage ice package according come the instructions. Discard any broken or leaking ice packs. Very closely supervise kids using instant ice packs.This really Happened
Case manage was contacted by a institution nurse ~ an 8-year-old boy"s reusable ice pack broke in his lunchbox. That licked some of the gel thinking it to be yogurt. He had no symptoms at the moment of the call other than being anxious. manage instructed the nurse to offer the young a drink the his selection to aid dilute what he had actually swallowed. manage called the institution nurse 1½ hours later learned the the boy continued to be asymptomatic and had went back to class.
Case 2. control was called by a father of a 2-year-old girl who was uncovered sucking ~ above an instant ice fill that had a pinhole in it. As soon as the dad squeezed the ice pack, part liquid came out, but the girl denied eat any. The ingredients detailed were calcium ammonium nitrate and water. manage confirmed v the father the the girl had no medical conditions that would increase her threat for methemoglobinemia. regulate followed up with the dad 2 hrs later, and the girl remained asymptomatic.
For more Information
What"s the difference in between instant cold packs, gelatin packs, and clay packs
Are the gel beads in ice cream packs toxicity
California Innovations increases recall of freezer gelatin packs as result of ingestion risk
Challoner KR, McCarron MM. Ammonium nitrate cold load ingestion. J Emerg Med. 1988 Jul-Aug;6(4):289-93.
Gel fill recall triples come 880,000 systems
Glover ML, Reed MD. Propylene glycol: the safe diluent that proceeds to cause harm. Pharmacotherapy. 1996 Jul-Aug:16(4);690-3.
Halyard prompt cold pack, disposable squeeze bag safety data sheet
How do instant ice packs work-related
Keen B. What"s in an ice pack? Is the liquid in ice packs toxicity
Lecklitner I. What"s in this?: Cooler ice cream packs
Steyn DG. An outbreak of urea invernessgangshow.neting amongst Bantu farm labourers in the Potgietersrust district, Transvaal. S Afr Med J. 1961;35:721-722.
What space the ingredient in gel ice packs
call 1-800-222-1222 or
aid ME digital
Prevention Tips
usage ice packs according to the instructions. Discard any broken or leaking ice cream packs. Carefully supervise kids using instant ice packs.This really Happened
Case manage was contacted by a institution nurse after an 8-year-old boy"s reusable ice pack damaged in his lunchbox. He licked several of the gel thinking it was yogurt. He had no symptom at the moment of the speak to other than being anxious. regulate instructed the nurse to provide the boy a drink of his an option to assist dilute what he had actually swallowed. manage called the college nurse 1½ hrs later learned the the boy stayed asymptomatic and also had went back to class.
Case 2.
See more: Conversion 74 Cm Is How Many Inches Are 74 Centimeters, How Many Inches In 74 Cm control was called by a father of a 2-year-old girl who was found sucking on an immediate ice pack that had actually a pinhole in it. Once the dad squeezed the ice cream pack, some liquid come out, yet the girl denied eat any. The ingredients noted were calcium ammonium nitrate and water. manage confirmed through the father that the girl had no medical problems that would boost her threat for methemoglobinemia. control followed up through the dad 2 hours later, and also the girl stayed asymptomatic.