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Jason Bradley

Jason Bradley is a servant-leader. His enthusiasm for people and the gospel have actually been the motivation for his present success. Before coming to 3ABN, Jason excelled in the hospitality industry, controlling multiple restaurants, and also supervising more than 60 employees. After getting here at 3ABN and assuming the place of the Assistant come the basic Manager of challenge to Dream, Jason solidified his partnership with Jesus Christ, and also has never looked back. As of September 1, 2018, Jason was advocated to the place of general Manager of challenge to Dream. His obligations at the network incorporate hosting and producing television programs (for both dare to Dream as well as the parental network), windy speaking, and also collaborating v the 3ABN prison ministry team. He enjoys share his love for Christ v others, and strengthening his community with useful tools for living.

Yvonne Lewis-Shelton

Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN’s challenge to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers together a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and also television host before coming come 3ABN, and has to be pleased to usage all her specialization to launch and manage the 3ABN dare to Dream Network. Together a studio vocalist she operated with the industry’s finest, ended up being a an extremely successful “jingle” advertising singer, and also recorded her very first solo project. She later included to she master’s degree in social job-related by earning a physician of Naturopathy degree and also specializing in numerous other locations of alternate medicine before retiring native medicine and also coming come 3ABN. Yvonne to be the basic Manager of dare to Dream from 2010-2018. Because of her desire come infuse challenge to Dream with new vision and also energy, she made decision to inquiry the place of Consultant to the network, and also this contained the promotion of her capable son and also previous assistant, Jason Bradley, to the position of challenge to Dream basic Manager. Dr.

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Lewis-Shelton is married to 3ABN Founder and also President, Danny Shelton, and also is the proud mother of 2 sons, Marc and Jason, v \"bonus\" daughters, Melody and also Trinity. She gives all praise to God because that His favor and mercy in she life.