
The first player must begin via his 3rd hole as opening move as your last rock will certainly land also currently in the mancala.

You are watching: How to win mancala in one turn

This not just scores you a point, yet provides you a 2nd move.

Now, play from your rightmost or second-rightmost hole. Either of these moves will certainly drop a stone into your opponent's 3rd hole to prevent him from making the very same opening relocate.

Try to make a move that will maximize the number of stones going into your Mancala.

When stones go right into your Mancala they cannot be taken out aget through succeeding moves and also you score points through it.

Choose a move that will permit you to take another move. So, let the last rock in lands in your own Mancala.

This permits you to add stones to your Mancala on even more than one rotate, but this might not constantly be the ideal strategy if it will empty your side of the board too quickly.

Make "defensive" plays. Make a move on your revolve that prevents your pieces from being captured by moving stones right into the opponent's empty pit.

This will not maximize stones going right into your own mancala, yet it have the right to speak your adversary from capturing stones.

Try to capture stones. You can empty a pit where the opponent's oppowebsite pit is not empty.

Create empty holes on your side of the board in order to capture.

Empty your rightmany hole beforehand in the game as this is directly next to your mancala zone.

Whenever you pick up a solitary stone from that hole as your relocate, you will certainly score a allude and obtain an additional move.

Your following moves have to be to drop stones into your mancala zone for a totally free allude, and also then move again.

Watch out your ago for captures of your adversary.

If among your holes filled with stones is threatened, your next move could either be to fill the empty hole or play the stones from your full hole as a defensive move.

Look ahead. The biggest essential to winning at Mancala is planning ahead. It is kind of favor chess--the essential is knowing what you will certainly carry out a couple of moves in development relying on your opponent's move.

Try the hoarding strategy. Hoarding is placing numerous pebbles in one hole and also having actually it act as a tiny save. This serves 2 possible purposes: it keeps more pebbles on your side so that once the game ends, you gain to capture all those pebbles. It likewise boundaries the number of pebbles your opponent has to work with.

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Avoiding Excessive Buildup. This preserves the alternative of starving the opponent. It permits more regularly for compound transforms, which build up the mancala quickly.