Learn the French egg vocabulary and also pronunciation and practice it in context as you follow in pictures the fun joke mine daughter Leyla loves come play on she Dad avec “un oeuf à la coque” (a soft boiled egg).

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1 – French Egg Vocabulary – Les Oeufs – Pronunciation

First, I should go end the joint of “oeuf”, a tricky French word.

“Un oeuf”, an egg in French, is pronounced exactly as “un neuf” – a nine.There is a strong liaison v the N, and the last F is pronounced.“L’oeuf”, the egg, F tho pronounced.

So far, that not as well bad. But wait because that the many form!

“Des oeufs”, egg in the plural, some eggs, is pronounce “dé zeu”. The F disappears, and the last S is silent. There is a solid liaison with the S the the des.The same thing is walking to bring on because that “les oeufs”, or “six oeufs”, “douze oeufs” (numbers often connected with eggs… large liaison in Z.

We additionally say “une douzaine d’oeufs” – une doozayn deu – twelve eggs.

2 – French Egg Vocabulary – Recipes

Now, let’s look at the various ways to cook eggs in French.

un oeuf à la coque – soft boiled egg in the shellun oeuf dur – difficult boiled eggun oeuf poché – poached eggune omelette (bien cuite ou baveuse) – an omelet, cooked with or runnyun oeuf au plat – clear side upun oeuf au plat cuit des deux côté – over straightforward – however we don’t execute that at every in Francedes oeufs brouillés – scrambled eggs

3 – French Egg vocabulary – Anatomy

La coquille – the shellLe blanc – the whitele jaune – the yolk

4 – various other Egg related French Vocabulary

un coquetier – one egg-cupune mouillette – a piece of toast reduced lengthwise and also buttered the you dunk right into the warm yolk (a soldier)une cuillère – a spoon

5 – how French youngsters Eat their Eggs – a Magical find out French In context Story (and a fun Joke)

And now, because that Leyla’s story.

D’abord, il vous faut un bon oeuf bien frais (fresh). Si feasible un oeuf bio (organic). E

t il faut le faire cuire 2 ou 3 minute dans de l’eau bouillante (boiling water). Pas add to !!!(Not more)

Après, vous le mettez dans un coquetier (see picture below).


Olivier: “Mais ! Il est vide (empty) cet oeuf !!!”

Leyla: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, je t’ai fait une blague ! Je t’ai bien eu (I gained you), hein Papa !!” (right Dad)

Après, il faut quand même vérifier (check)… top top ne sait jamais… c’est quand même incroyable comme tourism de magie :-)

Ma maman Camillemet tous les jours des petites leçons, des conseils et des photos sur ses pagesFacebook, TwitteretPinterest– venez l’y rejoindre !

Et si vous aimez les oeufs, voici une recette que mon Papa fait avec des oeufs et des asperges. C’est joli et c’est bon.

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Les oeufs, ~ above en mange beaucoup à Pâques (Easter) en France : vous connaissez le vocabulaire et les heritages de Pâques ? Maman va vous les expliquer.