Some football player in Roblox speak “pm me if you have actually a suggestions” or something like that. I was wondering if anybody might tell me exactly how to private post in Roblox?

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from the Roblox Support web page "How to Send message to other Players"

If you are not already friends v the human being that you would favor to interact with, you deserve to still send them messages as lengthy as you and also they have enabled this in your privacy settings. To find them, kind their username right into the search bar in ~ the optimal of the screen and choose the Search (username) in People option in the set of options that will certainly pop up. Click their surname in the list of find results and it will certainly take friend to your profile where you deserve to click your Message button.


It"s an extremely easy. There are two options, depending upon whether the user you"d choose to call has safechat or not.

Safe chat version:If the user has safechat, then you have to search their username, then click the human you great to contact. Top top the right of their user picture, there is a switch which girlfriend click and also it have to friend the person. Then, once they accept, you deserve to click Message, which must be a button in the exact same spot, and you have the right to message them!

Non-safe chat version:This one is an extremely easy. You find up their username, then click the human you wish to contact. Next to their user picture, on the right, click the three dots and click Follow. Climate you will be able to click the article button and message them.


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trial and error your roblox game in the studio acts in different way than actually playing it outside of the studio

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