Pasta and Rice counter & Equivalents

How frustrating is it once you’re food preparation dinner native a an excellent recipe you discovered in her favorite food preparation magazine that claims you require 2 cup of cooked rice however you have actually no idea just how much dried rice that takes. Or what if you need to recognize how many cups of cooked macaroni yields from 1 cup of dry macaroni?

I’ve to be there for this reason I created this helpful list of rice and pasta conversions and also equivalents ns think will help all home cooks. I know I’ll be referring to the often.

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How lot Pasta per Person?

The question most frequently asked around pasta is how much dried pasta execute you cook per person? This really relies on a bunch of determinants including the kind of pasta, how it is served, what the is served with and who are you serving it to.

According to the pasta manufacturer Barilla, 2 ounces of dry pasta is the appropriate amount every person. The sounds appropriate if the pasta is a next dish to a chicken or meat entry or if you space serving it as a tiny plate appetizer.

In numerous of my favourite Italian cookbooks, they imply 1 lb (16 ounces) the pasta because that 4 civilization or 4 ounces every person. That seems choose a most pasta to me. I generally cook a pound crate of pasta like penne or a pound package that spaghetti or fettuccine for the 4 of us, but there space usually leftovers in ~ the end of the meal.

I’m going come say 3 – 4 ounces per person relying on what kind of eater you room feeding need to work out nicely. Another means you’ll see long pasta prefer spaghetti or edge hair presented in cookbooks and also on the internet is in diameter. Because that example, a 2⅛ customs circumference of spaghetti equates to 2 ounces dried spaghetti or 1 cup cooked.

I don’t know around you, but I can’t mental the last time i measured out the one of my pasta prior to cooking. I have actually seen those spaghetti measuring devices you have the right to purchase that have various sized wholes in them to use to measure the end circumference, i think I even have one somewhere in the drawer however it hardly ever sees the light of day. Maybe I need to provide it a try.

Pasta conversions & Equivalents

1 pound dried pasta (16 oz.)serves 4 – 5 people
2 ounces lengthy pastasyields 1 cup pasta cooked
2 ounces quick pastasyields 1¼ cups cooked
2 ounces soup pastasyields about⅔ cup to 1 cup cooked
2 ounces shellsyields about 1 cup cooked
1 lb dried pastaequals 4 cup dry pasta
1 cup of dry pastayields about 2 cups of cook pasta
1 lb of dried pastayields about 8 cups of cooked pasta
2 ounces (1 cup) dry egg noodlesyields about 1 cup egg noodles cooked

How much Rice every Person?

Like pasta servings, this counts on if you are you offer it as a side dish or together the key dish with other ingredients added to it. It additionally depends on who you space serving it to. And also then it counts on that you ask.

Many recipes ns see contact for around 1 cup of cooked rice per serving. Some dietitians and the USDA to speak this is too much and you should only eat ½ cup cooked rice every serving. Ns think that uneven you are on a unique diet, what in the middle works fine.

In our house, due to the fact that we are constantly using leftovers for the girls lunches, therefore we usually cook much more than we room going to serve for dinner and section out what “feels” ideal for every kid.

Rice to liquid Ratio

The most typical ratio for rice to liquid is 1 come 2 or 1 cup rice come 2 cup of water which will yield 3 cups cooked rice. The formula is simple: 1-2-3.

So if friend were food preparation 2 cups of rice, girlfriend would chef it v 4 cups of liquid to yield 6 cups of cooked rice.

I’m saying liquid here and also not water also though most human being cook your rice in water since you can shot cooking your rice in chicken or vegetables stock because that extra flavor.

Rice conversions & Equivalents

1 cup uncooked white riceyields 3 cup of cook white rice
1 cup brown totality grain riceyields 4 cup of cooked rice
1 cup long grain riceyields 3 cups cooked rice
1 cup dry pre-cooked prompt riceyields 2 cup cooked rice
1 cup uncooked wild riceyields 3 cup cooked wild rice
Assuming 1 cup of cooked rice every person.

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¾ cup (96 grams) uncooked riceserves 2 persons
1 cup (180 grams) uncooked riceserves 3 persons
2 cups (360 grams) uncooked riceserves 6 persons
Assuming 1/2 cup of cooked rice every person.
¾ cup (96 grams) uncooked riceserves4 persons
1 cup (180 grams) uncooked riceserves6 persons
2 cup (360 grams) uncooked riceserves12 persons

Other vital Ingredient Conversions