The just legal unit measurement of firewood is the CORD.
You are watching: How much does a face cord of wood weigh
A CORD is identified as:” a loose stacked heap of separation firewoodmeasuring 4 ft. Wide x 4 ft. High x 8 ft. Long.”
45 cubic feet = 1/3 cord.Beware that sellers giving “Face Cord” or (4 x 8) amounts !!“Face Cords” need to be multiply (x3) to recognize true full cord pricing !!A cord of wood weighs end 4,000 lbs. And does no fit in a pickup truck– An median seasoned cord the hardwood weighs an ext than 2 tons!! Unstacked it will take as much as 200 cubic feet in space. One 8 ft. Pick up van would have to pile the wood uniformly at 5 feet tall to fit an ustacked cord. The average pick up truck deserve to only draw 1/2 a cord of firewood in ~ a time.Seasoned firewood should have actually less than 30% moisture content – When hardwood is fresh cut it has a the majority of water. By correctly splitting, stacking and storing hardwood the will end up being seasoned when the water is evaporated through the sun and wind. Once the hardwood reaches a moisture contents (MC) of less than 30% it will certainly burn properly and also release the optimum save BTU’s (heat). Wood with much more than a 30% MC need to not be shed indoors!! that is really inefficient and produces dangerous mountain water vapor (Creosote) in her chimney.Now ago to the trailer issue…What walk a cord of lumber weigh, both dried wood and also fresh cut green wood?Check out the listed below Wood Heating and Weight values chart to discover out what various species of timber weigh as soon as gathered together a cord.
Factors that Can influence The load Of The Cord
The load of the cord can vary relying on what tree is used and whether or no the wood is green or dried. A cord of green wood in reality weighs two times much more than one the is consisted of of dried wood due to the fact that green wood have a really high moisture content.A cord the is made up of round logs also weighs less than a cord that is made up of break-up pieces. When it concerns the types of lumber used, you need to recognize that hardwood trees are lot heavier than various other trees. Because that the frequently used oak tree, you need to know that red oak can be heavier than white oak.This is due to the fact that hardwood trees has more density than softwood trees such as pine. Girlfriend should also know that the longer the wood has actually been preserved outside, the lighter they will certainly be. Letting the hardwood air dried on a elevated platform is dubbed seasoning the wood and it can aid make castle lighter and also burn better.How much Does A Cord Of hardwood Weigh?
For a complete cord made up of bur oak, freshly reduced ones will weigh as much as 4960 lbs. And also 3768 lbs. As soon as dried. Because that a complete cord the red or pink oak, freshly cut ones will certainly weigh as lot as 4888 lbs. And 3528 lbs. As soon as dried. White oak at the same time weighs 5573 lbs. Once wet and also 4200 lbs. When dried.If your firewood cord is comprised of other trees, climate you should recognize that a cord of freshly reduced apple timber weighs 4850 pounds, environment-friendly ash can weigh as lot as 4184 pounds, yellow birch deserve to weigh 4312 pounds and willow can weigh as much as 4320 pounds. These are all eco-friendly weights.So friend can quickly get an calculation of how much a confront cord would certainly weigh, girlfriend will have to divide the load of a full cord that a specific type of timber by three. So you will certainly know exactly how much the weight of a specific kind of dried lumber will weigh, you have to deduct approximately 70% that its green weight.You have the right to look online for more information around the cord load of various kinds the trees. Over there are prepared tables that will help you conference data, and you can additionally use digital calculators the will help you determine exactly how much number of cords the a specific kind of lumber weighs in a issue of seconds.How do You measure Firewood?
This is something the if you plan on making use of firewood, you should learn. The correct state for how you measure firewood is in cords, for this reason one or 2 cords of wood, yet there is additionally a confront cord i m sorry is measure up differently. With a regular cord of hardwood it is 4 feet high, 8 feet wide, and 4 feet deep which will be 128 cubic feet. Usually this is stack in what is referred to as a rick of wood, i beg your pardon is 4 x 4 x 8 feet. So if friend hear world referring come a stack of wood, the is what that means.Then you have the various other measurement which is dubbed a face cord. A fact cord of hardwood is a single stack the is 4 feet high and also 8 feet wide, and also roughly in between 12 come 18 inch deep. So as you deserve to tell the is stacked really differently contrasted to the common cord that wood, make it normally weigh a many less. Therefore these are the two units that measurement that you have to keep in mind, as soon as measuring wood.How lot Does A Cord Of wood Weigh?
This is just one of the more daunting questions come answer since there is never an accurate weight with plenty of factors, that must be added in. For instance something prefer a Basswood (linden) will roughly be about 1990 lbs once dry in a cord, however if that is still environment-friendly it have the right to weigh as much as 4410 lbs. Therefore while you can’t get an exact number, friend can acquire a little bit of an idea which will help in your decision making. This is absolutely frustrating since I can’t simply tell you a number, therefore if you’re planning to relocate a cord of lumber in your choose up. Ns would very recommend doing the in multiple trips.While i can’t provide you precise number ns do have actually estimations which space as close to an average on some of the more popular firewood in the USA. Which ns hope will be may be to assist you in her search, however if i haven’t listed one that you use. Feel totally free to leave a comment and I could be may be to help or allude you in the direction of someone who does.How much Does A Cord the Oak hardwood Weigh?
Oak is just one of the many common types of lumber in the world, and not simply the USA. This is for great reason, that is a an extremely versatile hardwood that burns well and not to challenging to split. It likewise has rather a pretty smell when it burns, if that is vital to you. There are four varieties that most human being will use which space Bur, Red, Pin, and White oak.The Estimations for Oak Wood
Bur Oak – When that is still eco-friendly it about weighs about 4970 lbs, i beg your pardon will definitely mean number of trips in your pick up. Once it is dry it approximately weighs around 3770 lbs, i m sorry again method several trips which you will notification is a typical theme with this.Red and also Pin Oak – If you’re wondering why this room together, it is due to the fact that they belong in the exact same group. They’re actually the lightest the end of the oaks ~ above this perform coming in at 4890lbs once green. Then as soon as it has been dried the end properly, it approximately weighs about 3530lbs. So however again the poor pick up will be making an ext trips.White Oak – White oak is easily the most heavy of the oaks, weighing around 500lbs more then the Bur oak. It weighs roughly around 5580lbs once it is green, which will make brief work the end of what you’re trying to lug it with. Also when the is dry it still will certainly weigh end 4000lbs, being around around 4210lbs.My thoughts On Oak
While ns really favor oak in generally, and is a hardwood I commonly use in my own home. It deserve to be a pain as soon as it involves transporting a many it, particularly when my pick up will only allow me come carry about 2000lbs i beg your pardon is ~ above the higher side then most peoples. But apart native the weight, oak is a great form of hardwood to use and highly recommend.How lot Does A Cord that Pine hardwood Weigh?
While ns personally no a large fan of utilizing Pine wood to burn, due to the fact that it is a softwood which no burn as well as a hardwood favor the Oaks above. The is tho a common type of lumber that is supplied for burn in the USA, so I had to include it top top this list to assist as many civilization as possible. There space three varieties of pine that I have been asked around the most, and also they are. East White, Jack, and Ponderosa which all weigh about the same when dry i m sorry surprised me.The Estimations because that Pine Wood
Eastern White pine tree – The east White jaw is the infant of the group, if friend can call over 2000lbs a baby! once it is eco-friendly it about weighs around 2790lbs which is the lightest on this whole list. Once it’s dried it sheds approximately 500lbs, weighing around 2255lbs overall. Thankfully this will reduced how plenty of trips you will need to do!Jack jaw – We are ago over the 3000lbs note with this wood, v it being roughly 3205lbs from my estimations. The does burned a fair little bit of weight as soon as it has actually been dried the end fully, comes close come the 2493lb mark.Ponderosa pine – The thing with Ponderosa pine tree is that it holds much more water then most Pine wood. So it weighs much more then the others as soon as wet, however when dry it is contempt lighter climate the Jack. Being roughly around 3610 lbs as soon as green, and also 2340lbs as soon as dry. This is a big surprise come me, but does make life a little easier once it comes to transporting dry.My think On Pine
As I stated Pine isn’t because that me, yet I understand why world use it. It is a an extremely common wood, the is lighter then other woods. Which additionally makes it much easier to split, yet it no burn together well. It have the right to be cheaper as well because that it being a softwood, so if she on a budget and also can’t cut it yourself. Ns can gain why people need to usage pine.How much Do The more Common Woods sweet In A Cord?
While I could list quiet a couple of more varieties of wood, i feel focusing on the an ext common will enable me to help much more people, there is no being completely overwhelming. This might sound strange to some, yet I have met plenty of beginner who have actually said to much information is overwhelming. I like to try and store as many civilization in mind together possible.So top top this perform I will go end the much more common species such as Maple, Cherry, Birch, Elm, Hickory, and Douglas Fir. While the first few are a bit an ext understandable, the Douglas Fir will record your eye if you understand a point of too around wood. The a lot prefer pine together in that a softwood so it doesn’t burn as well as the others. But it tho is rather a renowned wood come use, for this reason i wanted to encompass it on the list.The Estimations for The an ext Common species Of Wood
Silver Maple – Silver Maple is a very an excellent wood particularly when it pertains to burning, it has a short amount of smoke, yet decent heat. But in terms of weight it isn’t to bad really, roughly weighing around 3910 lbs when green. It likewise holds a many water once it’s green and drops fairly a little when dried, comes in close to 2760lbs.Other Maple – I made silver separately since it is a bit various to other maples, when the others are quite comparable so lock together. Once they are environment-friendly they weigh an impressive 4690lbs, and also when dried out it is closer come 3685lbs.Black Cherry – Blach Cherry tree are an excellent for over there coals once burning making castle quite popular as well. As soon as it comes to it’s unseasoned weight, it roughly comes in at 3700lbs. ~ you dried it, it loses about 700lbs coming in in ~ 2930lbs.Paper Birch – Paper Birch is the much more popular kind of Birch tree for civilization to burn, since it has some kind heat, and also smells fairly nice. But in regards to weight it’s pretty heavy, weighing 4315lbs as soon as green. Then after it has been seasoned appropriately it comes in approximately the 3000lbs mark.Red Elm – While world burn American, and Siberian Elm. I think the Red is more common and the much better wood come burn if girlfriend are picking an Elm. The pretty heavy wood once green, i beg your pardon is around 4805lbs. Then drops fine over 1500lbs when you dry it out, comes in at 3120lbs.Bitternut Hickory – Hickory is a hefty hardwood, which provides it daunting to split, yet makes it great to burn. V the Bitternut comes in in ~ 5040lbs once green, and roughly 3840lbs when dry.Shagbark Hickory – The Shagbark Hickory is simply slightly more heavier then that Bitternut counterpart, coming in roughly at 5110lbs when green. ~ you have dried it the end it comes down rather a little bit as well, gift closer come 3957lbs.Douglas Fir – As ns said prior to Douglas Fir is a softwood, for this reason it’s not the best for burning. Which you will notification it is similar to the Pines in weight. Through a green cord that Douglas Fir being approximately 3324lbs, and also after dry out gift 2975lbs.Additional tips For dry Firewood
Splitting the wood after you cut it will reveal the interior of the timber to the wind and also sun enabling it to dried faster. Generally, the smaller sized you separation the wood the much faster it will season.However, dividing the wood too tiny will reason it come burn much faster in your wood cooktop which makes achieving one overnight burn challenging with a bunch of little chunks that firewood.I like to leave a couple of larger piece of hardwood that are separation once in fifty percent that I can use to put on the fire in ~ night. These pieces burn slower, enabling plenty that coals in the firebox the following morning to easily start the fire.Stack the lumber on pallets, blocks or 2×4’s and avoid stacking your firewood directly on the ground. This allows air to circulate under the wood and also prevents soil moisture and also insects indigenous penetrating her stack of firewood.Choose a location that receives plenty of summer sunlight which will speed up the dry process. Protect against dark, shady areas close come your residence which might promote mold expansion on your firewood.A spanned firewood shed is a good place to save firewood but if you nothing have accessibility to a shed, cover your firewood with a tarp to protect against rain and also snow indigenous penetrating the wood.When utilizing a tarp it’s necessary to just cover the optimal 1/3 the the firewood stack. This permits the tarp to defend the firewood native rain and snow, however also enables the wind to permeate the wood to dried it out reducing the firewood weight.See more: How Many Subsets Can Be Made From A Set Of Six Elements, Including The Null Set And The Set Itself?