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You are watching: How many gb is 1000 pictures

Card capacity can be kind of confusing. However it doesn’t have to be. In this post, you’ll find out how countless photos every GB of memory. And also how plenty of each memory map size have the right to hold. We’ll additionally answer the adhering to questions: How numerous pictures have the right to 32GB hold? and also how plenty of photos a 64GB memory card can hold?

Guide come Memory card Capacity

It’s crucial to know the volume of your memory cards. Over there isn’t much worse than running the end of an are before you run out of topic matter.

To assist you figure it every out, we developed two main sections come this post.

First, we cover how countless images every gigabyte of data, follow to picture resolution.Second, we failure how many photos will certainly fit top top each dimension memory card. They selection from 16GB every the means up come 1TB.

To help you understand photo size, right here are four components that have the right to increase/decrease the easily accessible storage an are on her memory card.

4 components Affecting picture Size

There room a variety of factors the will affect the size of every image. And the room you’ll have available on your storage device.

Image resolution: This is the most far-ranging factor once comparing memory card capacity.Image compression: shoot in jpg (compressed) will increase your map capacity significantly when compared to uncompressed image layouts (like RAW).

How numerous Photos every GB? (Chart)

How countless photos every GB? You have the right to hold as numerous as 580 and also as couple of as 192 in one GB of digital storage. This is because that an average picture resolution of 5.5MP approximately 18MP. And it’s based upon a compressed image format.

For an ext detail, check out this chart mirroring the effect of photo resolution on warehouse capacity.

MegapixelsFile dimension (MB)Images per GB

For GoPro cameras, the most usual image resolution is 12MP. This has the Hero8 Black, and the enlarge Hero7 Black and also Hero6 Black. Hero7 White and Silver both shooting in 10MP. And also the 360 cameras (Max and Fusion) shoot 16.6MP picture in 360 degrees.

Please keep in mind that the file dimension is approximate. I’ve seen file size because that a 12MP GoPro photo range from 3.3MB come 5MB. The more complex the photo, the bigger it can be. I made decision 3.6MB together an typical photo dimension for 12MP resolution.

Number the Photos per GB

How many pictures every GB can you store on a memory card? 277 images in ~ 12MP resolution will certainly take increase one GB of warehouse space.

For numerous years, the standard photograph resolution that GoPro cameras is 12MP.

How many Photos have the right to My Memory card Hold?

To aid you setup card usage, below is a chart that breaks down the image capacity of each memory card size.

How countless photos have the right to it hold? 16GB to 1TB (Chart)

Card SizeGoPro Hero8GoPro MaxCanon 80D
Image Resolution12MP / 3.6MB16.6MP / 5MB24.2MP / 49MB

A pair notes about the data in this chart:

GoPro picture sizes based on maximum picture resolution because that each the the Hero8 black color (12MP) and also the GoPro Max (16.6MP).

For a an excellent quality microSD card, ns recommend SanDisk. Lock come in sizes from 32GB come 1TB.

The maximum SD map capacity because that GoPro Hero8 black is 256GB. That course, you deserve to use memory cards with larger capacity for media storage, however they won’t work in-camera.

Interested in much more options?Here space thebest microSD cards for GoProcameras (all models).

How many photos can 16GB hold?

A 16GB memory card can hold roughly 4,400 photos. This is based on jpg file format, in ~ 12MP, a traditional GoPro picture resolution.

Here room how many images from every of this cameras deserve to fit on a 16GB card.

12MP: 4,400 photos16.6MP: 3,200 photos24.2MP: 326 photos

How many photos deserve to 32GB hold?

A 32GB storage card can hold around 8,889 photos. This is based on jpg file format, in ~ 12MP, a standard GoPro image resolution.

Here are how numerous images from each of these cameras can fit ~ above a 32GB card.

12MP: 8,889 photos16.6MP: 6,400 photos24.2MP: 653 photos

How numerous photos can 64GB hold?

A 64GB storage card have the right to hold around 17,778 photos. This is based upon jpg paper format, in ~ 12MP, a standard GoPro image resolution.

Here space how plenty of images from every of these cameras deserve to fit on a 64GB card.

12MP: 17,778 photos16.6MP: 12,800 photos24.2MP: 1,306 photos

How plenty of photos have the right to 128GB hold?

A 128GB storage card can hold around 35,556 photos. This is based upon jpg paper format, in ~ 12MP, a conventional GoPro photo resolution.

Here space how plenty of images from each of these cameras have the right to fit ~ above a 128GB card.

12MP: 35,556 photos16.6MP: 25,600 photos24.2MP: 2,612 photos

How many photos have the right to 256GB hold?

A 256GB memory card have the right to hold roughly 71,111 photos. This is based on jpg paper format, at 12MP, a typical GoPro picture resolution.

Here room how plenty of images from every of this cameras have the right to fit ~ above a 256GB card.

12MP: 71,111 photos16.6MP: 51,200 photos24.2MP: 5,224 photos

How many photos deserve to 512GB hold?

A 256GB storage card deserve to hold roughly 142,222 photos. This is based upon jpg record format, at 12MP, a conventional GoPro photo resolution.

Here room how numerous images from each of these cameras deserve to fit ~ above a 512GB card.

12MP: 142,222 photos16.6MP: 102,400 photos24.2MP: 10,448 photos

How numerous photos deserve to 1TB hold?

A 256GB storage card can hold roughly 277,778 photos. This is based upon jpg record format, at 12MP, a typical GoPro picture resolution.

Here room how numerous images from each of these cameras deserve to fit ~ above a 1TB card.

12MP: 277,778 photos16.6MP: 200,000 photos24.2MP: 20,408 photos

More reading: exactly how to layout Your SD card (5 Ways)

4 ways to usage Your photo Capacity

When would certainly you ever before need room for 100,000 photos? as you check out this post, you’re most likely surprised to check out that large volume of pictures that can be save on computer on an median SD card.

When would you ever need this type of space?

Incremental shooting: shoot one photo every so numerous seconds to record You might additionally consider using TimeWarp to develop this effect.Extended trip: If you room going on a long trip, you can easily shoot an ext than 20,000 images. This is true especially if you incorporate standard photos together with a few time slide away videos.Videos: if this write-up is focused on picture capacity of memory cards, don’t forget that you’ll most likely be shooting several videos. And also they can consume a many space. ~ a trip, my memory cards generally have more GB of video than photos.

Even despite you can quickly have room for all your photos top top one microSD card, i recommend happen a couple.

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And ns always try to upload my footage every night. This keeps mine photos and videos safe – and also keeps my memory cards ready to be filled increase the next day.

Your Turn

Have a question around photo storage? Or perhaps a tip around managing pictures on storage cards? permit me know below!