Rods (rd) | Feet (ft) |
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You are watching: How many feet is a rod
1 Rod:A rod is 16 1/2 feet. Stick is a surveyors tool that is a quarter of a chain, making an acre 40 through 4 rods. One stick is 16.5 feet or 5.0292 meters (SI base unit). 1 rd = 5.0292 m. | 1 Foot:International survey foot defined as precisely 0.3048 meters by convention in 1959. This is the most common modern-day foot measure. Us Survey may also be used yet are nearly identical for brief distances. 1 ft = 0.3048 m. |
1 Rods come Feet = 16.5 | 70 Rods come Feet = 1155 |
2 Rods to Feet = 33 | 80 Rods to Feet = 1320 |
3 Rods to Feet = 49.5 | 90 Rods to Feet = 1485 |
4 Rods come Feet = 66 | 100 Rods to Feet = 1650 |
5 Rods to Feet = 82.5 | 200 Rods come Feet = 3300 |
6 Rods to Feet = 99 | 300 Rods to Feet = 4950 |
7 Rods come Feet = 115.5 | 400 Rods to Feet = 6600 |
8 Rods to Feet = 132 | 500 Rods come Feet = 8250 |
9 Rods to Feet = 148.5 | 600 Rods to Feet = 9900 |
10 Rods come Feet = 165 | 800 Rods come Feet = 13200 |
20 Rods come Feet = 330 | 900 Rods come Feet = 14850 |
30 Rods to Feet = 495 | 1,000 Rods to Feet = 16500 |
40 Rods to Feet = 660 | 10,000 Rods come Feet = 165000 |
50 Rods to Feet = 825 | 100,000 Rods come Feet = 1650000 |
60 Rods to Feet = 990 | 1,000,000 Rods come Feet = 16500000 |
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