Many of us have have heard, and also perhaps also fallen for, the classic teaser: "Which is heavier: a ton of bricks or a ton the feathers?"

Now let's shot something a little an ext difficult:

Which is worth more: a lb of quarters or a pound of dimes?


Have friend made her guess? Alright, let's rest this down.

You are watching: How many dimes in a pound

According to your coin specification webpage, a dime weighs 2.268 grams, and also a quarter weighs 5.670 grams.

453.592 grams = 1 pound.

The Results:

One lb of dimes is 199.9624070 dimes. That's 200 dimes, which is specifically $20.

One pound of soldier is 79.998589 quarters. That's 80 quarters, i beg your pardon is precisely $20.

That's right, a lb of quarters is equal in value to a pound of dimes.

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See more: I Asked How Many Grams Are In A Quart To Grams, Quarts To Grams Conversion Calculator

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